Secrets Are Secrets For A reason

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Summary: Merlin has a problem. A big problem. He has a crush on the prince of Camelot. How embarrassing. How humiliating. He needs to solve this problem. Before it’s too late.


Arthur isn’t an oblivious bastard for once and finds out Merlin has a crush on him, resulting in him getting fucked in the prince’s bed.


Merlin was tidying up the prince’s chambers, humming softly to himself. He was just glad he no longer had to hide his magic from him, how he stumbled upon Merlin using magic was the most embarrassing thing he’d ever had to speak of. So they didn’t.

Arthur was upset for a while after finding out, because Merlin had kept something this big from him. Was there anything else life threatening to himself that he was hiding from him?? Perhaps. But the way he found out about his magic was quite amusing.

Arthur comes in from training his knights and goes into his chambers. Merlin was there sweeping up his room and making his bed with magic, and picking up clothes off the floor with his hands and throwing them into a basket.

When the chamber doors open and Merlin sees Arthur, he immediately stops everything and stands up straight a bit frazzled. Arthur tried to keep himself composed, but Merlin looked like a deer caught in headlights. He laughed and crossed his arms. “If that’s more efficient then why did you stop?” he asked with a grin.

Merlin’s face burned and he huffed lightly. “Because I don’t like it when you see me use magic.” He grits out. He felt vulnerable using magic around him since he was caught. It was a valid reason!

Gaius was more than upset when he found out that Merlin accidentally revealed his magic. He was way more upset about the fact that the prince now knew, then upset about the way it happened. He was surprised the prince kept this to himself. Merlin was one stupid and lucky guy.

He smirked. “Of course. How could I forget?” he teased. Anyway, that was enough of that. He still has work to do. He throws the armor to Merlin. “Polish this for me. Bring it back later. I have stuff to do. Now get out.” He says going to sit down at his desk.

Well, the interaction was nice while it lasted. Merlin takes the armor out of the room and back to his room. He grabbed all the things to clean and polish the armour and sat on his bed, pulling over his small bedside table with magic. He cleans up the armor faster than expected.

He should just drop off the armor now. He could also stop by the kitchen and grab him lunch. That’s exactly what he did. It took a little longer than expected because Merlin was basically juggling things in his hands now since he was holding so much.

He opened the door with magic, which was a risky idea, but it’s not like he really had a choice. He’s lucky no one was around right now. He stumbled slightly and walked into the chambers, setting the armor down. He comes back over to Arthur and sets down his food and wine. He pours it into the up he’d brought and backs away.

Arthur didn’t thank him. When did he ever? Merlin was unaffected by this. Arthur eats and eventually tells Merlin to leave once again. Merlin does the rest of his duties, and by the end of the night he was exhausted. He trudged back to his room after checking if the prince needed anything else.

Merthur One-shotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora