Risking Is Better Then Regretting

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Summary: Merlin and Arthur escape the busy castle to enjoy a quiet night under the stars.


Arthur sat in his chair, signing court documents that were scattered across the table. Arthur sighed, reaching up to pinch his brow.

After the battle with Morgana and Mordred Arthur had completely overhauled the court, ensuring he had trusted and true woman and men by his side. However, this overhaul included a great amount of paperwork and patients, not two of his virtues. The headache crept across his brow.  

There was a light knock on the door, "Sire," the voice said.

The headache seemed to disappear like the voice had crept into his mind and soothed his pain. Arthur looked up;  Merlin .

"Guards you are dismissed," Arthur said in a stern voice, waving them away as Merlin stepped into the room. The guards nodded and left the chambers, closing the door behind them with an echoing thud.

Arthur immediately sagged back into his chair, a dramatic sigh leaving his lips. Merlin chuckled, coming over to perch on the desk next to Arthur, "Long day?" He asked.

"Week, month," Arthur waved to the side. 

Merlin smiled, looking around at the frenzy of paperwork on the desk, "Rebuilding a court takes time," He sighed.

"Yes remind me why I thought this was a good idea," Arthur asked. Neither answered that question, they both knew why Arthur had rebuilt his court. After the defeat of Morgana and her army, and Merlins reveal Arthur had returned to Camelot different. His first decree as king was to make magic lawful again, and impose Merlin as the court sorcerer that would work with Gaius to help heath and protect the public. Most of the court did not protest, but some of Uther's old council did. Arthur had to choose between them and Merlin, it was the easiest choice the king had made.

"Sorry I wasn't able to meet earlier," Arthur said, clearing his throat. With how busy they had both been they had very little time to just be, to hang out and talk like they use to. "There was an argument between some of the knights and-you know what never mind." Arthur waved his hand off to the side, already boring himself by just thinking of the story be was about to tell.

Merlin nodded, "It's alright, Gaius had me working all evening anyway," Arthur knew Merlin was probably just lying to make Arthur feel a little less bad. Arthur gave a shy smile, looking up at Merlin who was also smiling down at him.

Arthur shifted in his seat, the smile from Merlin causing a low heat to spread across his cheeks. Arthur cleared his throat, "How are you enjoying employment in the king's court," He asked. 

Merlin let out a long breath, "I mean, better than my first job," He smirked, leaning forward, "Prince was a bit of a prat," he said in a low voice.

Arthur raised his brow, "Did you just come here to insult me," he asked.

"Not just that," Merlin said, pushing himself off the desk. He walked back into the centre of the room, his hands held behind him, shifting on his feet, was he nervous?. "I know you've got a full day tomorrow and so I so I thought we could go outside," He nodded towards the large doors that led out of the room, "The forest is beautiful at night," He quietly said, looking anywhere but Arthur.

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