I've Been A Bad Boy

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Summary: A stray spell brought Prince Arthur to the future where he is King and spanking Merlin's naked rear before he (future Arthur) does something...a little more pleasurable towards Merlin.


A flash of bright light, distant shouts from his knights and shocked blue eyes stared at him Merlin's soft lips calling his name out in panic.


Then darkness blanketed his vision and at his back the feel of a stone cold floor permeated through his clothing. He sat up and winced at the slight ache in his shoulder, he might've landed harder than he thought. Looking around he squinted his eyes, although it didn't do much as there was no light to help him see; lifting himself up from the ground he made his way out of - what he assumes to be - a tiny room with no door.

Out in the hallway Arthur looked around, observing his surroundings for some reason this hallway seemed familiar. Shrugging his shoulders he decided to walk along the empty corridor, his thoughts back on his knights and manservant. Although he won't admit it openly, he had to say that Merlin was right. Again.

Sighing to himself, he should've trusted his friend's instinct when Merlin said something didn't feel right about the forest. He of course ignored his manservant because Merlin can be a girl at times, not to mention he knows the slighter male hates hunting and would rather pick flowers or gossip with Guinevere and Morgana like the lady Merlin is.

Arthur snorted lightly. Maybe he should call Merlin his maidservant, better yet have the boy dressed up as one.

"Hmm...that is interesting." Arthur murmured, he could see better now as there were torches. He frowned as he recognized where he was.

'What on earth...I'm at the castle?'

Arthur was puzzled. Whatever spell hit him had brought him back to the citadel yet something still wasn't right. He frowned as he rubbed his chin in thought when he heard a muffled sound, it was coming from the throne room if he had to guess, that is if this was still Camelot. Although he didn't think he was wrong.

"I should see what that noise is."

He quietly walked nearer to the main doors and slowly pushed them open praying to whomever that there was no squeak on the hinges, through the gap he saw something that made his jaw drop in shock and other unexplainable feelings to what he was witnessing from this distance.

There sat on his father's throne was himself or at least someone who looked eerily similar to himself but that wasn't what had him surprised - no - it was the fact that the person who looked like him had his manservant bent over their lap.

Completely naked.

Arthur was embarrassed to see such an image of Merlin bare, all pale and ethereal like some nymph especially so when the raven haired male moaned as the other Arthur slapped the slighter male's plump arse. Arthur could see that - this - Merlin enjoyed it and even begged for it. He couldn't believe what he was seeing or hearing.

The prince hadn't thought Merlin could be so sinful or act provocatively; it was a different side to his friend. He gulped nervously, should he interfere or just leave and pretend he didn't see anything.

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