Would You Let Me Burn?

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Summary: When Arthur discovers Merlin's magic how will he react? Will he accept Merlin for all he is? Or will he hate him for his lies and betrayal?


Merlin didn’t remember casting the spell. He didn’t remember even coming into Arthur’s room. All he knew was that he was standing in the middle of Arthur’s bedroom with his eyes glowing gold and Arthur was right behind him.

He whirled around to face his best friend only to find pure horror in his eyes.

“Arthur…” Merlin barely managed to stammer out the name. His tongue felt thick and the lump in his throat made it nearly impossible to breathe, but he had to say something. “I…I…”

“You have magic,” Arthur said it with pure confusion. Then that confusion morphed into disdain. “You have magic.”

“Wait, let me explain.” Merlin took a step closer only to have Arthur place his sword right at Merlin’s throat. He swallowed. “I won’t hurt you. I could never hurt you.”

“You’re a sorcerer! How long, Merlin?” When he fumbled for an answer, Arthur screamed the question again. “How long have you betrayed me?”

“I was born with it, Arthur. I never meant to betray you. I use it for you, to protect you.”

But it was like he was speaking a foreign language. Arthur didn’t want to hear anything he was saying. Or worse yet, he didn’t care. It didn’t matter to him that Merlin used his magic to protect him. In fact, he looked more disgusted at the thought.

“You dare to claim innocence when you have been lying and manipulating me since the day we met!” Arthur’s fury was unbridled now. Merlin had known him a long time and had never seen him so angry.

A small part of Merlin knew he had to accept this. He had always known one day that Arthur would discover the truth. Even Merlin wasn’t fool enough to think he wouldn’t be upset. But this anger was different. It wasn’t like the Arthur he knew at all. No, the look of pure contempt in his eyes was that of his father’s.

“Please,” Merlin sank to his knees begging. “The only thing I have ever wanted was to keep you safe. You’re my best friend Arthur. I know I kept secrets, but none of it, NONE of it was a lie.”

Merlin watched Arthur’s eyes as he waited for his response. He knew that Arthur was not his father. That even if that rage could exist within him, he was too good and too noble a man to let it consume him. He trusted his friend to be the man he always believed him to be.

Maybe that’s why he felt his heart shatter into a million pieces as Arthur turned his head. “Guards!” Two men were entering the room looking to Arthur for instructions. Merlin shook his head in disbelief, but Arthur crushed any hope of denial. “Seize him. He’s a sorcerer. I will summon my father. He’ll want to deal with this matter quickly.”

The rest was a blur as the guards dragged him into the thrown room. Merlin looked around for any familiar face. Someone who would at least give him a kind and forgiving smile in his hour of need. He saw Gaius, Gwen, the knights. Yet even in them he saw only bitter hatred and disgust.

No. None of this could be real. He wanted to believe it was all a dream, but he felt the bite of the floor against his knees as he was roughly forced down before Uther.

Merthur One-shotsWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu