I Use It For You And Only You.

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Summary: After challenging his father in open court about his cruel and callous ways towards magic users Arthur is punished.


Arthur sat in the large wooden chair, his head resting in the palm of his hand. A merchant explained how they were struggling, expressing that they needed Uther's help. Arthur sighed, he already could tell what his father would say, something about understanding, expressing his sorrow but ultimate saying he couldn't help. As a tale as old as time, or an unchanging play, Uther said his lines and waved the woman away. 

Arthur wrapped his hand around the edge of his seat, closing his eyes tight for a moment. There was a slight gap in the docket, Uther strode down from his chair, going over to talk to some members of his court.

Arthur slumped against his chair, looking up at the grand ceiling. He heard footsteps approaching him, a quiet voice speaking to him. "I know you wanted to help her," Merlin comforted, "And the people know it too," He finished.

He knew the words were ment to comfort him, but it did little to do so, he sighed, "What's the point of them knowing it if I can't do anything about it," He argued. 

"You will be able to one day," Merlin said, standing closer to Arthur's chair, his hand resting on the arm of it like Arthurs, their pinkies almost touching.

"And what if it is already too late," Arthur said, the fear clear in his voice. He felt Merlin's finger graze his. A small simple gesture that caused a faint smile on Arthur's lips. He glanced over to see a shy smile on Merlin's face. Besides a few of the knights, no one in Camelot knew about their relationship. Arthur knew how his father felt about being seen with those he didn't deem appropriate. Plus the added attention on Merlin could cause far greater issues, namely Uther finding out about his magic. 

Arthur leaned closer to Merlin to speak when the large iron doors were thrown open, two guards dragging a woman in "Sire-" They started but Uther held his hand up.

"What is the meaning of this?" He called, seemingly examining the woman.

The guards held her arms tight, her legs scraping across the ground as they dragged her to the bottom of the chairs where Arthur sat and Uther was walking toward, "This civilian was caught conspiring with a known magic-user," Arthur tensed, rising from his chair. Merlin backed away from the seat to his place next to Gwen who had her hand covering her mouth in horror.

"Sire please, please you must understand," She started to beg but the guards shoved her down onto the ground. 

Arthur quickly walked down the steps, "That's enough!" He called, staring harshly at the guards.

The still held her arms but lessening their grip slightly, "A known sorcerer called Magnus was seen around her house and the two were spotted together," The way the guard said 'together' told the court what he meant, Arthur kept his eyes forward, fighting the instinct to look over at his own sorcerer. 

Uther placed his hand on the hilt of his sword, "Is this true," he said in a low voice.

She shook her head viciously, "Magnus is a good man! He does not practice his magic-"

Uther threw his hand up, silencing her, "So you knew he was a sorcerer," She paused. 

A pause that would cost her her life.

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