Let The Hunt Begin

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Summary: Someone is stealing Arthur's blankets and he will find out who the mysterious blanket thief is.

Obviosly Merlin is going to help him


Arthur had a quite stressful day and all he wanted now was to fall into his bed and sleep the whole next day away. Unfortunately he was king and sleeping longer than after the first rays of sunshine was forbidden somewhere in the laws.

Without thinking he plopped down on his bed and blindly reached for his blanket. However his hands haven't found his blanket and he was starting to get annoyed.

He was too tired to stand up or open his eyes so his hands just reached for a nearly visible thread and pulled twice at it. He smiled when he heard the little bell outside his chambers alarming his guards to bring his manservant in. This was the best idea he ever had. It came after he screamed his throat raw when he was looking for Merlin.

It took longer than he liked for his magical manservant to arrive but at least he came with new blankets. The only good part in this blanket stealing thing was that Merlin brought him blankets smelling of the omega. Somehow he slept better then but nobody had to know. Maybe that's the reason he hadn't done anything yet to capture this thief.

Merlin arrived loudly as always and slammed the door just for good measure.

"You know I'm not your manservant anymore, do you?" He asked as he walked over to the bed. Arthur turned around to look at him with one eye.

"I don't remember sacking you, Merlin."

"That's because you didn't. You just gave me a new job. As court sorcerer, I might add. And what about George? I bet he is sad because you give him no work." He scolded the king.

"I won't spend my time with him if he wants to joke about brass. You'll have to do. Can't you just be glad you don't have to polish my armour anymore? Anyway, give me my blanket." He demanded with his outstretched arm.

Merlin huffed but complied. He threw the blanket over Arthur and roughly tucked him in. The king let out a content sigh and snuggled deeper into the mattress.

"Anything else, sire?" Merlin said impatiently.

"Come in." His sleep-addled brain let out and suddenly Arthur was wide awake.

"What?" Merlin squeaked. Shit, that's not how he wanted his evening to go. Well, maybe, but without the humiliation.

"Cup wine." He rasped then maybe a bit too quickly but as serious as he could muster.

"Oh. Yeah, wait a minute." Merlin turned and Arthur let out a relieved sigh. He took the cup from Merlin with steady hands but inwardly he was still shaking. How could he be so stupid?

Merlin left shortly after but Arthur stayed awake for a while thinking what possessed him to say what he said. The answer was easier found than he would like to admit. He wanted Merlin. In all possible ways.

It wasn't the first time he thought about it. Even before he found out Merlin was an omega but since then the thoughts only increased. Yet he was careful with his feelings. He hadn't thought much about love but with every day passing it became a truer possibility.

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