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Tae slowly moved as he lifted himself. He glanced over the boy who was avoiding gazes with him. Tae tried so hard to keep a straight face, but bursted into laughter, hitting yoongi's arm repeatedly in the process.

"What's so funny?", red-nosed yoongi asked pouting.

"Did you think I was going to....No! Wait how did you know I was here in the first place." Tae scooted towards yoongi.

"I..Jungkook, I mean Jimin told me."

"How did Jimin know?". Tae was so close to yoongi's face, the latter felt blood rush to his cheeks. His brain stopped processing just staring at those beautiful eyes that were looking at him with so much innocence.

I am fucked.

"How the fuck would I know?", he moved himself a bit and cleared his throat, "Also, forget about what happened earlier", he stated as he stood up patting the dust off his pants.

"Which part do you want me to forget? The part where you apologised or the part where you cried or the part where you.." Tae wiggled his eyes with a teasing smile.

"Just forget everything! Now hop on, your friend might be waiting for us". Yoongi stretched his hand for support half-embarrassed.

It then flashed to Tae.

If yoongi was in this state, what state would jimin be?

SWEATER | JIKOOK [COMPLETED]✓Where stories live. Discover now