📞📕☁️61: Taka(aki)☁️📕📞

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"I didn't know you were so good at video games, man!" The biker said, giving Taka a big ol' smack to the back. Depending on your pain tolerance, it could've been light, or a beating

"I have never indulged in 'me-time' or even free time because I thought it was all such a waste! Maybe it isn't, but I still need to be on top of my personal studies, thank you for walking me to my dorm, bro."

 Ishimaru scoffed to himself, turning around to face Mondo one more time, closing the door after one more smile

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Ishimaru scoffed to himself, turning around to face Mondo one more time, closing the door after one more smile

At least I can forget my worries for tonight, speaking of free time I do hope Father has at least let himself rest on Christmas day! I should give him a call, he must've been worried sick since I never even called on Christmas! I don't have any excuses!

In one swift grab he was already dialing, and the next second the phone was ringing
Under a blanket full of forms and other papers was the bright light shining through, almost like a phantom of some sort. Nonetheless the desk was all a mess. Just a big, disheveled, mess

"Where'd I put that damn thing- Oh shit; finally!"

"First before I start I must apologize for not giving you a call all break! Please forgive me, Father, for that inconvenience-"

"Taka, your inside voice please! " The voice that called out had much more age than the teenagers voice, it was a bit more husky and deep as an ocean.

"Oh, sorry father! I wanted to apologize for not calling you on Christmas, I don't have an excuse for it!"

"Were you with your friends?"

"Well yes-"

"Then there's no need to worry, Taka. At least you spent it with the people you care about in your area, which I'm happy about. "

"Are you sure, father?"

"Yes, as long as you didn't spend it alone. How have you been? It's been a while since we talked."

"I'm doing quite well! Have you burnt yourself out, father?"

"Not that I know, I'm only resting now since I think I finished paperwork for the night."

"If it helps, when I come home I will take up some summer jobs!"

"Look, you don't have to.  You're a teen, have some fun!"

"I can't have fun when I know my father needs help with paying off our debt!  I must help!"

"Taka," His father sat back down in his chair, his fingers pressing against his aching temples.  "I want you to be happy without feeling you have to help me"

"I'm apart of this family, so I must do my part."

"Look, if you're going to help me, don't burn yourself out as well, alright?  Promise me, son.  I haven't seen you since school started, and I want to meet up with you at least once during the break."

"Of course I want to see you, father!"

"Speaking of which, my patrol is set in the town where your school is at, so maybe we can meet up."

"That's great!  I know a place where we can have tea and chat-"

"Tea?  What's the place called?"

"Lias TeaBubbles!  I went there with a few of my fellow classmates and we all enjoyed the sweets they have there!  What days are you beginning to patrol here?"

"I start on Tuesday and then the patrols there end in February."

Hahahah!  This sounds like this is going to go perfectly well!  I can't wait to speak to father when I see him in person!

"I'm sorry to cut this short Taka, but I'd rather give you a full night's sleep, and in a few minutes I have to do overtime for the night.'

"Oh, well, stay safe at work!   And please take a break when you're tired, father."

"I can say the same to you, Kiyotaka.  Good night, and get some sleep, I love you a lot."

"Eh-" A breath of air was stolen from the moral compass, before it slowly returned in the form of five, small words "I..I love you too, papa."

The line disconnected a few seconds later with a beep

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 14, 2021 ⏰

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Tears Are In My Eyes And I Can't Stop Them (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now