🧋🍡🌆30: Lia's TeaBubbles 🌆🍡🧋

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.•◇■•. Two Days Later, After School.•■◇•.

"S-so where's this place?" Mikan asked, letting Mondo walk into the elevator by himself to go to his dorm. Instinctively he put his hand between the sliding doors so she can get in.

"You coming or what?"

"You lookin for something, sweet cheeks? Want me to walk you there? "

"..Y-yeah! I'm sorry!" Mikan hurriedly sped into the small room, tripping once she was in the elevator itself. Mondo ignored her position and helped her up.

"Why do you always keep falling? Not that I'm saying that it's bad, but what makes you so clumsy? I hate seeing you always get yourself so fucking hurt, y'know?" Mondo asked, pressing the button for the elevator to levitate upwards.

"Why do you always keep falling? Not that I'm saying that it's bad, but what makes you so clumsy? I hate seeing you always get yourself so fucking hurt, y'know?" Mondo asked, pressing the button for the elevator to levitate upwards

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"J-just a...a behavioral issue I got w-when I was younger...still working on it now.." Mikan explained shyly.

"Oh, I don't know how that works if I'm being honest and I don't want to fucking make some assumptions about people who are clumsy, so I'll stay quiet. "

"Oh, thanks. What are we going to your dorm for?" She asked, squirming internally.

"Oh, I'm going to change out of my uniform. If you want you can go change yourself in your dorm. I can walk you there if you want." The elevator door opened quickly, but the two stayed inside.

I want to go change

But what if when I go alone, I see Fukaina again?

But what if I ask Mondo to walk me to my dorm, and he gets annoyed at me?

Just say no

Just say yes

"I-I can go to my dorm b-by myself..don't worry." Tsumiki assured the biker, letting him step off of the elevator and onto his dorm floor.

"Oh, okay. I'll call you when I'm finished changing, kay?"

"O-okay.." the elevator door closed in, leaving Mikan in the slightly cramped, moving room.

YOU STUPID IDIOT! Why!? Either way you would've bothered Mondo with any response! He clearly hates you, and he clearly doesn't want to be your friend!

The door quickly opened, now letting the shaking nurse off onto her floor, the hallways were crowded with kids going into each other's dorms, chilling on the carpeted floors and some even filming themselves dancing.

She quickly hurried off into her own dorm, slamming the door shut. Luckily Kaede was in band practice, so Mikan had the room to herself.

She quickly changed into one of her oversized sweaters, sweat pants and a small beanie on her soft head, the color was pastel, while complimented her hair gentle without being too noticeable.

Tears Are In My Eyes And I Can't Stop Them (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now