🔫⌚🌪55: Boss Suspects 🌪⌚🔫

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"Yes young master?"

"Fuyuhiko," The gang leader corrected in a soft tone. "Can you bring me these people here please; Petro, Isaiah, and Marika?" The short teen asked, his lime green eyes darted towards a chart in the room, he scratched his shaved blonde hair gently.  He wasn't in his usual suit, but more of a comfortable sweatshirt and a simple tie on top.

"Of course, would you like some fried dough cookies as well?"

"No thank you.  After I talk to them, want to go to the library for a bit then go back to the dorms for Christmas?"

"I wouldn't say no." Peko chuckled.  "I'll go get them."  She walked out of the room, undoing her silver braids and letting her hair flow freely.  She adjusted her glasses before she walked into the gang members rooms. "Fuyuhiko is requesting you to come over to the main planning room.  Tell Marika and Petro on your way out."

"What does he want now?" The tall prudish man asked impatiently. "Are we gonna go kill someone?"

"He hasn't informed me, so you'll just have to go."


It's strange that a 27 year old man is more immature than me; a 15 year old
Peko rolled her eyes, walking back to her room so she can start packing.

"None of you guys know why I called you, correct?"

"Nope." Marika; a tall woman witn a slender figure, dark amber colored hair and narrow brown eyes answered. "Let's get this shit over with.  Did we do something wrong or are you just pissed at us?"

"First off, don't fucking address me like that.  And second, I will be pissed if you don't answer honestly. " Fuyuhiko stood up from his chair.  "All three of you were gone on November 19th for a rather long time, for almost three days you were out!  I just want to know where you were."

"Why exactly, boss?" Petro asked.  "Are you gonna fuck us up once we tell you?"

"What do you think the answer is, dumbass?"

"Petro, stop being stupid."

"That's just how I am, f-gg-t."

"How about you two shut the fuck up and actually answer the question!" Fuyuhiko raised his voice angrily, it echoed through the room quickly

"Yes boss.  We were at the Chijoku* residence...uhh..We were hoping of forming an alliance with the group so we can sustain ourselves more money, and maybe hopes of pushing ourselves further when it comes to how much political power we can hold." Isaiah raised his head up in a rather boastful way

"All those shitheads do is fuck for a living and waste their money on games.  Do you really think I'm that stupid?"

"No.  But we need to have allies." Marika sat down on the floor.  "Besides, we could've got you on their leaders good side."

*Side note: the Chijoku (fictional) gang is essentially a group where they idealize mostly gambling, and even prostitution, they otherwise have some of the best trained members when it comes to gun handling and sword fighting.  Some individuals that are categorized as their worst enemies from present date are: the Kuzuryu clan, Julikah Amami, Celestia Ludenburg, Nagito Komaeda, Yasuhiro Hagakure and Kokichi Ouma, all except one lucky enough to just gamble the group out of their money and escape without prostitution being involved

"If you are involved with those shitheads then be prepared to get killed since I know you guys now have dirt on them."


"Huh?  You're finished packing already!?" The short man walked over to Pekoyama, who held both of their briefcases in each hand.  "You didn't have to pack mine!"

"I thought it'd be one less thing for you to do, apologies."

"I'm not saying it's a bad thing; in fact I'm grateful, but don't jump ahead, okay?"

"So we're dismissed?" Asked Petro

"..Yeah.  "
"I put a mic near their pillows; it's connected to my phone so we can hear what they're listening to.  No doubt they're going to talk about this after you discussed with them." Pekoyama stated after she was informed of everything, her face calm, her eyes watched the dark, which was illuminated with a few lamps, and the lights in their train.

"No way!  You're the fucking best! "

"Thank you, Fuyuhiko. "
--"Can't believe you almost fucking blew it, jackass!" Marika violently thrusted her pillow at Isaiah. 

"Like I'd ever say anything about what we did to that f-gg-t!"

"You guys are both dumbasses.  No matter- what boss is onto us.  If we don't cover up our tracks soon enough he'll find out what we did." Petro grabbed a cigarette from under his pillow and lit it with the lighter that Marika held.

"Why was that kid so loud though!  His ass was fuckin tight as hell!"

"Damn right.  At least he wasn't as loud as that other chick.  But then again we should've killed him when he questioned us.  Where did you even have the fucking gun at the time, Marika!?"

"I'm sorry Petro, at least I was actually enjoying myself there with him!"

"Shut the fuck up. I wanna sleep." Isaiah walked over to Marika and slapped her across the face harshly, creating a red mark on her cheek

"Fucking f-gg-t!" --

"Peko." Fuyuhiko looked next to the swordswoman, both teens were just getting inside the dormitory buildings


"Next time those three assholes go somewhere, let's follow them.  I think I have a plan to expose their asses."

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