🛋🧶🎀21- It Takes Time to Figure it Out🎀🧶🛋

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"..and that is it for this class, have a wonderful day and I'll meet you all at dinner! " Miss Chisa smiled, opening the door to let the students out of the cozy classroom.

"Umm.. Miss Yukizone? "

"Huh?  Yes-oh!  Mahiru!  Do you have any problems that I can help you with? "

"Yeah, I just am having some trouble with the bamboo stitch and I was wondering if you can help since I'm falling behind. " The photographer blushed slightly, walking into the classroom.

"Oh, the stitch?  I can definitely help one of my star students with that! " Chisa smiled, grabbing her knitting needles and a ball of fresh yarn from her shelf.  "I can see that you've slightly started it, but let's undo it for so that we can practice the stitch itself before creating the scarf. " She grabbed Mahirus needles and yarn and undid it in a few seconds, showing how fast her hands were.

"Oh, okay.  The room smells nice.. " Mahiru commented.   "Candle? "

"Yep!  Mandarin Oranges and Macintosh apple scent!  Smells nice, doesn't it? " Miss Yukizone smiled warmly, pulling out the end of the indigo colored string from the ball.  "So first, you know the drill, yarn over the second stitch, then bring that stitch over the two little buddies.  That's basically the whole thing, so you repeat and repeat!  Once you finish one row turn the kneedles around and repeat!  Until you finish your yarn or when you think this is enough rows of stitches, then I can help you with tying the stitches. " 

"Oh, so that's it? " Koizumi's eyes widened at how simple it was.   "So. . like this? "

"Yes!  Like that!  You're doing well on the first row, Miss Photographer!  I would've thought that you went to the Ultimate Knitter instead of me, since Miss Hyuga knows a lot of stitches that I'm not aware of! " Chisa smiled, snifffling a bit. 

"But In glad that you came to me

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"But In glad that you came to me.  Is anything on your mind? "

"Nothing really if I'm being honest.  Other than the Halloween Dance.  Weren't you dressed as a pirate? "

"Yup!  It was quite fun talking to all of the kids, and it was nice seeing everyone out of their uniforms!  Although I did walk in on some students partying, and some even smuggled in some alcohol!  Those were either the Freshmen or Seniors, which both are role models for the school! " Miss Yukizone sighed.  "Has everything been alright with you, Mahiru? "

"Oh me? " Koizumi looked up from her needles.  "Oh, everything's been okay.  I'm still figuring out who I am though.. "

"Could you elaborate on that for me? "

"Well, I know that I am not interested in boys, I lean towards the girls side on the attraction scale. " The photographer blushed, but it was more of a soft pink tone than her cherry red hair.

"So, have you experimented with both genders, or what was it always just something that stuck with you? " Chisa asked cautiously, hoping not to offend Mahiru as an ally to the community.

"Honestly, I have dated this one guy and I didn't like it at all, I mean he was sweet, but honestly not the one for me.  I did go out with a few girls here and there, like Tsuyu Asui!  She's a wonderful gal, but honestly I can't see myself being together with her.  Then you got Tenko Chabashira, who honestly isn't for me as nice as she is. " She vented, knitting faster and faster.

"Oh, my dear.  I can say you have experience, and I'm glad that you have tried to see the world for yourself when it comes to dates and all that stuff.  But, you don't have to be in a rush to figure yourself out right now.  I mean, everyone figures themselves eventually, I've even seen kids figure themselves out while I'm debating whether I'm an alley to the LGBTQ+ community, a pansexual or an omni! " The housekeeper laughed to herself in a delicate way, like a flower bristling in the wind.  "So, it's okay to take your time figuring out who you are, and it's okay to figure it out now.  You never know if you'll change, most likely not, but you are who you are now, and you gotta be proud of it!  Be proud with what you're born with and how you express it! "

  You never know if you'll change, most likely not, but you are who you are now, and you gotta be proud of it!  Be proud with what you're born with and how you express it! "

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".. Thanks Miss Yukizone, I really needed that.  I do believe that I am a lesbian at heart ever since my first date with a girl, I always thought I was bi, but... I can use that advice for a lot of useful things in the future-"

"Yo!  Miss Chisa!  I need some help with-"

"Can you knock!? " Mahiru snapped at the mechanic, her face bursting into a red hue almost as vibrant as her hair.

"Geez!  Sorry   I just need help with fixing this console!  Chiaki says that it keeps glitching up but I don't know where the problem is exactly located, or where O left my screwdriver! " The pink haired.... shark set the pastel-pink console on the desk eagerly.

"Well, if you used your eyes, then maybe you'd see that I am talking to your classmate about life!  The tools for that kind of work field is in Mr. Pompactours room, not mine!  I can help after I'm done with Mahiru! "  Miss Yukizone lectured wearily.  "I'm so sorry Mahiru, want me to get us some tea?  Including you, Souda! "

".. Sure! " Koizumi smiled warmly.

"Really!?  Aw geez youre the best? " Kazuichi grinned, his sharp teeth showing and his cheeks burning a pink hue.  "Do you have green tea? "

"Yup!  I always keep some spare tea bags for my classmates.  We can take a break from knitting and just relax ourselves, shall we? "

".. Yes please. "

Tears Are In My Eyes And I Can't Stop Them (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now