🍶🍱☁🔮4-Glass Shards🔮☁🍱🍶

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That wasn't so bad.. Mikan walked out of the classroom, recollecting on what just happened then and there in the FACs classroom, slightly bewildered by her new teacher
"You won't be getting away so easily.. "

"I-I'm sorry! I'll sit back down! " The girl ran back to her table, tripping almost.

"Now everyone, no more escaping this classroom! " Chisa sighed, standing in the front of the classroom. "Now, let me explain what this class is. You know this is the second quarter of your second year, so I expect bright young students! More importantly you all giving your best effort no matter what! I will be assigning group projects, and I need to be aware of the environment you guys live in to help me best help you! So, starting from the top! Ultimate Break dancer! Mina Ashido! " Chisa called out loudly, pointing to a girl with deeply tanned skin, light cotton candy pink fluffy hair and golden irises, along with a dark pink uniform.

"That's me! I'm Mina Ashido! " Her voice was bubbly and full of radiance, exciting Chisa.

"I'm going to have so much fun with you! " She smiled, marking Ashidos name off of the attendance
6th Period:

"I-I wonder if there's a table in the b-b-back.. " Mikan held her lunch tray, wondering around the cafeteria full of talented kids, on their phones, talking, eating, doing their homework-everything and anything! Mikan soon spotted a table near the back, where she quixjlt walked over there and placed her tray on the table, sitting down and soon beginning to eat.

"Uhh..hello? "

"Huh? " She turned around to see a boy her age, thick, long chocolate brown dreadlocks that defied gravity, naturally tanned skin with a bit of a stubble, and even tanned eyes! He had a mustard yellow sweater on, with a lab coat on top and another coat on top with an intricate design, somewhat similar to Mondo's biker leader attire, but this man wasn't even in a gang! His hands were dripping with magenta blood, getting onto the floor. "O-Oh my god are you okay!? What happened!? " Mikan freaked out, sitting him down across the table from her seat.

"I dropped my crystal ball, and it shattered in my hands. " The mess of a human held up his hand- the shards of glass were no longer crystal clear as they were stained with his blood, cuts all over his rather soft palms. "I heard you were a nurse of some sort, so can you please help me? I'll give you a free palm reading session! "

"Oh? I will help you, you don't need to do anything! " Mikan dug through her baga bags got alcohol wipes, tweezers and bandages

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"Oh? I will help you, you don't need to do anything! " Mikan dug through her baga bags got alcohol wipes, tweezers and bandages. "First I'm going to disinfect the wound, then I'll take out the shards of glass and then wrap you up until you can see a proper doctor about this. " She out on white gloves and began to wipe the sounds with the alcohol, making this man bite his lip with agony.

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