When Emily asked what time it was, she was told it was two PM. Not so bad, Emily thought to herself.

For whatever reason, she had believed it had been days but apparently it had just been a couple of hours.

She looked around the room finally noticing it was different from the one she was in. This one looked like a normal room, no intimidating medical equipment lurking everywhere. There was a chair that could serve as a bed in the corner and a rocking chair. The room also had a closet tucked in another corner.

“Do you know where my bag is?” she asked Isabel when she didn’t find her hospital bag. Isabel told her the bag was in the closet. Emily nodded then thanked her for everything.

“I will be right back with your pills and your baby” Isabel uttered before leaving the room.

With the nurse gone, Emily decided to make some calls to inform the family that she had delivered and safely.

As she got out of the bed, she felt so woozy that she fell back on it. It wasn’t a very good idea to have gotten up as fast as she did.

She tried again after dangling by the bed for a couple of second and it was much better. The only thing she felt was pain in her vaginal but wasn’t surprised. She did just give birth.

She found her phone in her bag exactly where Jacob said it was.

Laying back on the bed, she scrolled through the phone noticing she had a couple of missed calls and text messages.

She opened up her call logs to finds six missed calls and all from Michael.

Nothing from Ash. She felt a little heartbroken at that but didn’t dwell so much on it. She moved to the text messages. Another disappointment.

Nothing from Ash but eight from Michael and one from Mr. Hurley.

If she said she wasn’t hurt about Ash’s lack of concern she would be lying. As painful as it was, she was starting to realize she was beginning to feel numb to him and his cruelty.

Her guess would be that she was finally reaching her limits.

She opened then read all the text messages from Michael. The initial ones were pleasantries but the later ones were more concerning. He was worried she wasn’t answering or returning his calls and text which was unlike her.

The one from Mr. Hurley was just his daily ‘how was she and the baby doing’    

She decided to call Michael since he seem to be the one worried the most but as she hit the call button, the nurse came back with another staff wheeling the baby in.

"Mummy are you ready to meet your baby now?" The other staff asked.

Emily hung up before it rang then eagerly sat up stretching out her hands in a "give me" gesture. Both ladies chuckled at her childish act.

Emily’s heart froze when the nurse placed the baby in her arms. It felt so surreal that she was holding her baby boy.  He was wrapped in a blanket burrito with a tiny cute hat on. She gently caress his face.

He was perfect. She removed his hat then inhaled his slick hair.

Tears slid down her face at the overwhelming emotion that took over her. She knew right away she would do anything for the little guy.

"Hey there little one. I'm your Mami" she whispered to the pink cutie in her arms. He had his eye closed but when she kissed him gently on the lips, he opened his eyes.

Emily’s heart swelled when she looked into the eyes of the burden of joy she never thought she would meet. She hoped this wasn’t a dream and that he was really in her arms.

UNJUSTIFIED HATRED {completed} (wattys 2015)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن