"You're lucky to have a heroic quirk! It'll be so easy for you to reach your goal!" shouted Shinsou before Midoriya reached him. He pushed against Shinsou, forcing him back. Shinsou soon realised he was trying to push him out of bounds so he reciprocated by punching Midoriya in the face, giving him a bloody nose. He didn't stop there though, so when he noticed Midoriya wasn't backing down either, he punched Midoriya's broken fingers causing said boy to cry out in pain. Kira winced as she thought how much pain Midoriya was probably experiencing right now.

Using this as an opening, Shinsou pushed Midoriya behind him before shoving him against his face to reverse the roles. Midoriya wasn't gonna let that stop him as he grabbed Shinsou's arm, crying out in pain yet again in the process from his broken fingers. His other hand grabbed his collar and just like he did to Bakugou in the first training exercise, he threw Shinsou over his shoulder and out of bounds.

It seemed like everyone had stopped breathing for a moment, mouths agape and eyes wide. Midnight raised her cuffed hand as she announced Midoriya as the winner. Kira felt the familiar feeling of pride well in her stomach, yet she felt a bit frustrated for Shinsou. She felt like she wanted to talk to him but she thought that'd be weird so she let it be. Cheers erupted from the audience for Midoriya as Kira felt Ochaco plop back in the seat beside her. "Whew, that was way nerve wracking!" Kira let out a breathy chuckle as she agreed with her friend. "Tell me about it."

"AND WITH THAT WE HAVE THE FIRST VICTOR OF OUR FINALS! FROM CLASS 1-A, IZUKU MIDORIYA!" Midoriya seemed to be awestruck as his chest heaved up and down from his efforts. "Turning the tables at the last moment! A classic Midoriya manoeuvre!" complimented Iida. 

Kaminari began teasing Bakugou by saying Midoriya had performed the same technique on him before. "Shut your face!" grumbled Bakugou, unusually merciful. Kaminari's face fell at the lack of anger from Bakugou's response so Kira gave him a thumbs up while she cheerily mumbled a 'don't mind'. "OH YEAH! THAT WAS ACTUALLY A BORING FIRST MATCH BUT DON'T WORRY THEY STILL FOUGHT HARD! LET'S SHOW THEM SOME LOVE!" yelled Present Mic again as Kira rubbed her temples in annoyance. Did Present Mic have to be so loud? Jeez...

Midoriya and Shinsou stood in the middle of the arena as the green bean rubbed his hand to relieve some of his pain. They seemed to be indulged in a conversation before Shinsou turned away in disappointment. Before he could exit the arena though, some of his classmates showed up and began yelling to him in encouragement. Kira smiled softly at the sentiment before turning her attention towards her friends by her side. "So who am I up against actually, I forgot to check."

Sato leaned on the seat in front of him with a raised eyebrow. "You didn't check who you were fighting against? How are you gonna prepare if you don't know who your opponent is?" Kira leaned back in her seat, her arms behind her head. "Does it really make any difference? I told everyone I'd do my best so that counts for all of you. I usually come up with plans on the spot so I don't know how it would change anything."

That seemed to catch Bakugou's attention for a second as he glanced in her direction before looking forward again. 'She's definitely aiming for the top too. She may act indifferent but I know what she's like. She's trying hard today.' Suddenly Aoyama popped up from behind a seat, sparkles surrounding him as he put a hand against his chest. "You're up against moi, mademoiselle. And I'll show you no mercy."

Kira only gave him a thumbs up before noticing the second match was about to begin. "Oh, there you are Deku!" Kira turned around at the mention of her friend's, or should I say crush's name. Deku stood at the top of the stairs looking down at them with a smile. "You did great!" shouted Ochaco as she gave him a thumbs up. Kira smiled as well before patting the seat to her left. "Izuku, come sit with me!" Midoriya's cheeks flushed lightly before thanking them for the compliments and sitting down next to Kira.

Kira turned to him, a brights smile displayed on her features. "Great job Izu! I'm so proud of you! Though it must not have been easy with the stuff Shinsou was saying, huh?" She muttered the last part, careful to not draw any attention. Her sudden nickname for him caught him off guard so he stuttered a little before responding. "Y-yeah.. I really wanted to let him know he wasn't alone but, y'know.." Kira nodded in understanding before patting his head. "Still, I'm glad you made it through the first round." 

Midoriya leaned into her touch, enjoying the gentle feeling after his match, so when she dropped her hand from his head, he accidentally let his instincts take over to take her hand back and place it on his head again. Kira's eyes widened at his gesture and after a few seconds Midoriya noticed as well. It was funny, seeing his face go from relaxed to a flaming red in a matter of seconds and his hands frantically waving around. "Oh gosh! I-I'm so sorry! I j-just really liked the way you pat my head and I s-stopped thinking for a sec! Y-you don't have to-" 

Before he could even finish his statement he felt Kira's fingers gently brush through his green locks. He looked at her in astonishment, her face coated with a gentle red hue and a kind smile on her face. "You can always ask me for stuff like this Izu, it's fine", she reassured. Midoriya could only nod before facing forward again, humming in content as he felt Kira's nails gently scratch his scalp. In the heat of the moment, he let his head drop onto Kira's shoulder, a satisfied smile on his face.

Kira looked down at him, halting her movements for a second before giggling to herself as her cheeks heated up. 'Cute.' Ochaco watched them from the side, a painful pang shooting through her chest. 'He seems happy...' She faced forward yet again before smiling a little, remembering the promise she made to herself.

The next battle was good to go, seeing as Present Mic had to start shouting again. "TURN THIS THING UP! NOW WALKING IN THE RING, OUR NEXT PLAYERS! HE'S GOOD, HE'S GOOD! BUT WHAT'S WITH THAT PLAINNESS HE CAN'T GET RID OF? IT'S SERO HANTA FROM THE HERO COURSE! HIS OPPONENT IS WAY TOO STRONG FOR HIS OWN GOOD! IT'S SHOTO TODOROKI, ALSO FROM THE HERO COURSE!" Kira had felt her arm start to cramp from the odd position she was in so she opted to just lay it over the seat behind Midoriya, said boy still having his head on her shoulder. 

Kira watched Todoroki, noticing the absent look on his face. It made her frown as she wondered what could possibly be bothering him. Present Mic gave the start signal and Sero didn't waste any time to attack. He shot out his tape towards Todoroki, trying to swing him out of bounds. It seemed to be working seeing as Todoroki just limply let himself get dragged around until his head shot up, the intense look in his face making shivers crawl down Kira's spine. Ice began to coat the entire floor and before she knew it, Kira had backed up entirely into her seat. 

"W-what the hell..." was all she could mutter as she watched the sizzling ice right in front of her nose. Midoriya had shot up as well with his hands in front of him as his mouth was agape, much like everyone else. Todoroki had created an entire mountain of ice that reached over the stadium. "Sero... can you move?" asked Midnight as she too was frozen to the ground. "A-are you kidding? O-of course I c-can't!" stuttered Sero from the cold in return. His whole body was encased in ice at the foot of the mountain. Todoroki was declared the obvious victor in this match as he made his way towards Sero.

"Nice try!" shouted someone from the audience and soon enough everyone was shouting encouraging words to Sero. Todoroki began melting the ice around everyone in the stadium and Kira could vaguely make out his expression. He honestly looked very sad and that made Kira frown for the millionth time that day. 'Todoroki... what is going on with you?'


Yussss let's go!!! I'm excited to write Kira's parts! I've, of course, decided to make her a badass!

Thanks for reading!

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