12. Traitor's Demise

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Headmaster Lionheart is laying on the floor of his office at Haven Academy. Blood is trickling down his face due to a beating he has received from the Inquisitor that ambushed him. All while Queen Elise sits and watches with apathy through her holographic communicator.

Lionheart: What....is the meaning of this- *cough* -outrage, Queen Elise?

He coughs out blood as he tries to use his arms to prop himself up to get on his knees.

Elise: ISB agents have kept me informed of your activities in the last couple of years, Leonardo. This "outrage" as you put it is merely a response to your collaboration with Salem.

Lionheart gasps as he looks at Elise and the Inquisitor.

Elise: You have been in contact with Doctor Arthur Watts, a former Atlesian scientist turned Salemite agent. And we have Salemites in Vale posing as students, poised to create chaos if we don't stop them. Out of all the headmasters, you are the only one compromised by Salem and your position allows you to change records however you see fit. A simple deduction really.

Lionheart: W-what are you getting at?

Elise leans forward on the chair she was sitting on back in Vale.

Elise: I want names. Who does Salem have in Vale right now?

Lionheart: I-I can't tell you! She'll kill me!

Elise: So will I.

Lionheart: B-but! You're Ozpin's daughter! You wouldn't do that!

Elise: I'm nothing like my father. Do you really want to test how ruthless I can be?

Lionheart whimpers. The Inquisitor steps forward, causing him to flinch.

Lionheart: A-a-alright!!! It's Cinder Fall, Emerald Sustrai, and Mercury Black!! They're Salem's agents in Vale!!!

Elise sighs has she rests her chin on her palm.

Elise: Just as I feared. What are Emerald and Mercury's skills?

Lionheart: Mercury is a trained assassin! He doesn't have a semblance, though I think his dead father had something to do with that!

Elise: And Emerald?

Lionheart: She has a mental semblance that allows her to change the visuals of a person, making them hallucinate and see things that aren't there in order to trick or disorientate them!

Elise: Hm, interesting. If that is all-

Lionheart: W-wait! You're not going to kill me right? I told you everything!

The Inquisitor looks at the miniature hologram of Elise. Elise was staring at the Faunus for a moment before speaking.

Elise: How many....?

Lionheart: Huh?

Elise: How many people have died because of your treachery?

Lionheart looks to the ground with guilt.

Elise: You may have not pulled the trigger, but you are indirectly responsible for the deaths of dozens of citizens from Vale, Atlas, and Mimar. So why should I spare you?

Lionheart: I-I have the key to the Vault! I can give it to you if you spare me!

Elise: You're willing to surrender a Relic just to save your own neck? You're proving yourself to be a loose end, Leonardo.

Lionheart whimpers in fear.

Lionheart: Please, Queen Elise. I-I was scared of Salem. I don't want to die in the horrible ways she described when she came to me.

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