10. Joint Task Force

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~Three Thousand Years Ago~

Elise is standing atop a ladder inside a giant library as she is putting away books in their correct shelves. She is wearing a grey scholarly robe with a stack of books floating next to her as her eyes are illuminated from magic usage.

??: I figured I'd find you here.

Elise flinches as she heard a man's voice, causing her to look down. There she sees a smiling man with light blue eyes and white hair that is cut short. He is wearing white knight armor with his helmet in his left arm.

 He is wearing white knight armor with his helmet in his left arm

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Elise: Karl, what are you doing here?

As she asked that, she slides down the ladder with her floating books following her.

Elise: I thought you would be in Anima.

Karl: That was a year ago.

Elise: Really? Huh, I didn't realize that it's been a year already.

Karl chuckles at her.

Karl: You are always forgetful, mother.

Elise: Just with dates.

Karl: Like our birthdays? Or my coronation day?

Elise flinches again from her eldest son's comment.

Elise: I did make it to the coronation...

Karl: At the last second....after Ulrich had to grab you from here.

Elise sighs and crosses her arms. Karl places his helmet down on a nearby table.

Karl: It's fine, mother. Ulrich and I understand that you'd rather be here for your research than be bored at the palace doing nothing. Still, we really need to get you a calendar or something.

Elise: ....

Karl chuckles again before the two hear some footsteps approaching. Karl turns his head and sees a grown-up Ulrich with a short beard approaching with a pair of knights.

Ulrich: Brother, the expedition to Solitas is ready.

Karl: Ah, excellent news.

Elise: Solitas? Why are going to that desolate tundra?

Karl: Several convoys of refugee ships have made their way there to get away from the Empire and have begun setting up settlements. I intend to place the banner of Elysium on the continent to remind them that we are in charge. After that, we set up imperial supply depots and help the settlers develop their colony as a gesture of good faith and that we are all in this together. Afterwards, I plan to head to western Sanus to find the city of Vacuo.

Ulrich: We don't expect any resistance. These refugees are mostly civilians who had to run from the wars we waged in Mimar, Sanus, and Anima. As long as we don't provoke them, it should be a simple annexation and development project.

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