19. Battle of Vale

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A pack of Beowolves are running down a street in Vale, seeking out prey from the people of the city. As they turn a corner to another block, someone yells.

Mimaran: FEUER!

The Grimm are suddenly riddled with bullets and drop to the ground to disintegrate. A squad of Mimaran and Atlesian troopers with Atlesian Knights stand at a defensive position further down the road. The Knights move up to secure the rest of the block of stragglers. They then see a Valkyrie gunship fly overhead with an armored vehicle attached to it, which is dropped in front of the squad. It's a tank, and it's followed with a squad of Mimaran troopers hopping out of the gunship soon after.

Mimaran Lieutenant: Los Los Los!

A pair of Atlesians run up to the lieutenant as the new squad prepared to move out.

Atlesian: Lieutenant, what's the situation up there? The comms are all over the place right now.

Lieutenant: Your command ship has been hijacked and most of your fleet has been shot down within its opening volley. General Ironwood is en route to retake the ship. In the meantime, Beacon is also under siege by White Fang.

The Atlesians look at one another.

Lieutenant: We'll get through this, just remember your training and do your duty. Now, we need to hunt down a Goliath in the city. Follow the Panzer and be ready to assist!

The Atlesians nod before the JTF troops move out.

Elsewhere, squads of Jaegers are being deployed all over the city and at Beacon. The moment these squads land, they immediately open fire on any Grimm and White Fang they see with extreme prejudice.

In the air, a Mimaran Typhoon fighter is engaged in a dogfight with a Nevermore and a Griffin that were on its tail. The pilot evades large feather projectiles shot by the Nevermore as they then speed up their aircraft and pull up, hard. The pilot was hit with Gs as they flip up and over the pursuing Grimm and slow down to combat speed when the fighter gets behind them and fires two missiles that home in and blow the Grimm out of the sky. The pilot takes a deep breath and sighs before seeing a civilian air bus being pursued by Grimm, so the pilot gets back to work and intercepts.

The story is the same all over, the Grimm or White Fang pop up, and the Mimarans counter them even though air superiority is currently compromised. Even though Vale isn't their city, the Mimarans are fighting to defend it as if it was.


Roman Torchwick is giddily fidgeting around with the controls of the Atlesian flagship, like a child in a candy store. Atlesian officers are scattered across the bridge either dead or unconscious.

Roman: Hmm... let's see, what does... this button do?

After the button is pressed, a noise is heard.

Roman: Oh, fun! How about ... this one?

With the press of a button, the airship suddenly empties its cargo of Atlesian Knights, all on standby, as they fall to the ground with a massive thud.

Roman: Hm. Alright, nothing.

Neopolitan, wearing a Atlesian military disguise, hands Roman a Scroll with the Black Queen virus, as he inserts it in the console.

Roman: Oh-ho-ho! Now this one, this one's gonna be fun!

As a squadron of Knights shoot down Grimm, they suddenly stop as their visors and LEDs turn a dark crimson, and turn around, pointing their guns at Goodwitch and Qrow as they continue to fight the Grimm, the realization shocking them as they see the Knights now turned against two of their now former allies.

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