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~Three Centuries ago, in Monarchia~

Elise is writing on the pages of a journal inside  a laboratory in the university. She is wearing a lab coat as she is doing research with a microscope. She wrote down her findings in the journal.

Elise: Interesting....

Ulrich: What is?

Elise's head jolts up from the journal and looks towards the direction of her son's voice. She saw Ulrich standing at the entrance of the lab, wearing a black military uniform. It was a Victorian style uniform, named after Vale's queen Victoria.

Ulrich looked....tired.

Elise: Ulrich, is it Friday already?

Ulrich: Saturday, actually.

Elise flinches.

Elise: Oh, I'm sorry. I missed our tea session.

Ulrich smiles and approaches her lab station. He looks at her research as he responded.

Ulrich: It's fine. We'll just make up for it tomorrow. We have a movie that came out of Mantle recently.

Elise: "Movie?"

Ulrich: It's a picture show of sorts. Projected on a screen, showing people performing in a story without being physically present. They're currently without sound, but I'm sure that will change in a few decades.

Elise: Times are changing faster than normal. Next thing I know, we'll get someone up to the moon.

Ulrich smiles.

Ulrich: Maybe. Anyway, what are you working on?

Elise: Some genetics research. Thanks to the microscope, I've been able to get a better look at cell samples. More specifically, I've been using it to compare my cells to a normal person's cells.

Ulrich: And? What did you find so interesting when I walked in?

Elise: That my cells has an extra trait to it. Have you heard of the mitochondria?

Ulrich crosses his arms and nods.

Elise: My cells have an extra trait similar to that. Except it produces magical energy.

The peaks Ulrich's interest and he leans down to look through the microscope.

Elise: It's right next to the mitochondria.

Ulrich: Oh, I see it.

His eyes start glowing for a moment. Ulrich's eyes widen in surprise.

Ulrich: I can see the magical energy it's producing!

Elise: I wonder if it's possible to transfer some of our cells into another person. Would our cells give another person magical capabilities like my father's Maidens without needing to rely on their Aura?

Ulrich smirks and stands straight.

Ulrich: Uh oh, I hear my mother's mad scientist side coming around.

Elise's eyes roll, Ulrich knew she was amused.

Ulrich: Well, I doubt you could permanently make a person magical this way. But perhaps we could make something like a stimulant out of this. A temporary boost of power?

Elise: Oh, that could certainly help in the defense of Monarchia. I've heard that Mantle and Vale invaded the kingdom and took some coastal territory as colonies?

Ulrich sighs.

Ulrich: Yes, that was a humiliation for the kingdom... If only I was better prepared...

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