17. The Relic of Choice

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General Veliona and her contingent of Jaegers and Legionnaires are aiming their weapons at Ozpin and Goodwitch in a tense standoff between the two factions. The Mimarans had turned against Ozpin as their true intentions to access the Relic of Choice came out in the open. Ozpin is faced with a decision to either surrender and allow the existence of Salem to get out in the open, resulting in a worldwide panic, or fight his own daughter.

Veliona: Ozpin, already enough people have died for this secret, don't force us to fight when we can finally end this charade.

Ozpin: I'm sorry, General. I can't let the Mimarans start a war. Not yet.

Glynda uses her telekinesis to lift large chunks of the flooring. The Mimaran troops immediately open fire as the floor pieces are shot towards them. This wipes out a huge segment of the Mimarans as most were trapped in the rubble or made unconscious from being sent flying by the force created by impacts. Glynda then uses her semblance to force open the elevator door.

Glynda: GO!!

Ozpin nods and jumps down into the elevator shaft. Glynda is faced with the remaining Mimarans that she immediately uses her semblance to lift the lot of them into the air, throwing them at the walls and incapacitating the Legionnaires while the Jaegers get back up and start firing at her.

The professor quickly fires a type of glyph into the air that creates a dark cloud. It starts shooting Dust shards towards the Jaegers. One of the Jaegers use a semblance that creates a sort of round energy shield that protects them from the shards, protecting a couple of their teammates while the remaining few use their armored gauntlets to protect themselves. Glynda keeps up the barrage using her riding crop weapon.

The Jaeger using their semblance notices that the attack is being caused by Glynda's weapon, not her semblance exactly. He then turns his head to one of his comrades that he was protecting.

Jaeger: Nimm ihre Waffe heraus! (Take out her weapon!)

The Jaeger they were speaking to nods and aims their rifle towards Glynda's weapon. The shield then drops and in that very moment, a bullet was fired at Glynda's right hand where she held her weapon. The professor yelps in pain as the bullet disarmed her of her weapon and the Dust cloud storm ceased. All of the Jaegers immediately charge her as Glynda tried to lunge for her weapon on the ground. Before she could grab it, she was hit by the energy shield used by one of the Jaegers, which was thrown at her before disappearing. It shot her away from the riding crop and now the Jaegers were about to take her down.

Glynda grits her teeth before raising her arms up. The Jaegers immediately stop in their tracks as they felt paralyzed. Glynda was once again using her telekinesis semblance on them, but it felt more unfocused and lacked control unlike before as the Jaegers felt their own armors feeling tight as they were being crushed.

Suddenly, a bullet hits Glynda in the side, forcing her to let the Jaegers go. The Jaegers fall to the ground, gripping their sides or limbs that were in serious pain. Glynda looks to where the bullet came from and she saw a Legionnaire on the ground with a smoking pistol that falls unconscious from his own injuries. Despite that final shot, Glynda appeared victorious as her Mimaran opponents were either unconscious, incapacitated by their injuries, or buried under rubble. She pants heavily as she catches her breath and grabs her weapon off the ground. She then looks to the elevator and walks towards it before hearing a noise from the rubble. She turns around and sees a hand punch through the rubble and its owner pulls themselves out of the rubble. It was General Veliona. Her uniform was slightly torn and now dirty from the rubble's debris, and her head and left arm was bleeding. Glynda notices however, that the General wasn't bleeding red blood like a human or Faunus would. Her blood was black, like... oil?

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