18. Methuselah vs Elise

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People all over Vale were watching what was going on inside Amity Arena just up to seeing Penny and a squad of JTF troops get torn apart by the Herrscher. Yang and Sun were watching everything go down on Sun's scroll when the two were playing a video game in the RWBY dorm. Blake and Weiss were standing by a pavilion stand with a small crowd as they all watched in horror. Weiss looked around and noticed that the Mimaran soldiers were suddenly setting up defensive positions and yelling to each other in the Mimaran language. All of a sudden, sirens are blaring all across Vale.

Inside Ironwood's flagship, a group of guards by the ship's brig were distracted by what was going on below them that they didn't notice a female officer walk in. She was carrying an umbrella and a cane.

Inside a Mimaran vehicle in Vale, Qrow is sitting in the back with handcuffs. He hears the door beside him open and he sees Inquisitor Locke holding Qrow's weapon. Qrow exits the vehicle and the Mimaran uncuffed him and hands him his weapon. Qrow reluctantly accepts it.

Just outside the Beacon Vault, Goodwitch and Veliona were both down on the floor. They were both exhausted just as they started hearing the sirens.

Glynda: Huh?

The elevator opens up with Ironwood, Claire, and a group of Mimaran troopers running out.

Glynda: James?! When did you-? Where's Ozpin?!

Ironwood: Oz is dead, so is Amber! Look, a Herrscher is here in Vale, so we can't keep infighting right now!

Glynda's expression turns to shock while Veliona sits up.

Veliona: Where is our queen??


At Amity Colosseum, both Methuselah and Elise are sent flying away from one another after they first clashed with physical magic attacks. They both land on their feet and Elise summons magical glyphs that fire ice shards at Methuselah. Methuselah uses his sickle-like weapon to deflect one shard before dashing towards Elise, zigzagging to dodge her attacks. He soon gets too close that he swings towards her head. Elise barely dodges and uses her magic to launch herself away from Methuselah. When she lands, she feels blood trickling from her right cheek. She notices Pyrrha starting to get up and she uses her magic to levitate her into a nearby tunnel in order to protect her from this fight.

Ruby and team JNPR are running down one of the tunnels to reach the main arena. Members of team CFVY joined them as they reach the entrance but are blocked by an emergency hardlight forcefield just as they were about to enter and help Elise. Ruby slams her fist on the forcefield.

Ruby: Elise! We can't get to you!

Elise repels an attack by Methuselah and looks over at the group.

Elise: Don't worry about me, Ruby. Help the troops evacuate the civilians!

Ruby: But-

Elise: Protect this kingdom!

She then dodges an attack. Ruby hesitates as Jaune kneels next to Pyrrha.

Jaune: Pyrrha, are you okay?

Pyrrha sits up with a headache causing her to flinch.

Pyrrha: I'm fine....Penny?! Is she-?!

Jaune: She's gone....

Pyrrha gasps before she looks at Ruby and sees a tearful and angered expression out of the usually happy girl.

Up in the operation center, Oobleck and Port are working with the Atlesian technicians on trying to regain control of the system.

Oobleck: We've got to get those shields down before that creature kills Queen Elise!

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