Intermission 1/3: The Angel of Death

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In an unknown land, a lone Grimm pool sits idle surrounded by trees and grass. The tar-like substance in the pool starts to shift as a Grimm begins to crawl out. It was a Reaper that chuffs as it enters the world. It looks around before it starts walking to find prey as its instincts tell it to. While walking, it looks at the nature around it. The flowers and trees are beautiful.

Weeks pass and the Reaper has found more Grimm and the small pack of Beowolves, Ursai, and a few other Grimm types are stalking outside a small village. The Reaper chuffs at the other Grimm and one of the Beowolves howl as the Grimm attack.

Not too far into the chaos, houses are on fire as humans struggle to defend themselves while trying to save their homes and families. As the other Grimm attack, the Reaper hears a noise inside one of intact houses and it moves to the door and tears it open. It sees a woman hiding her children behind her. The humans looked utterly terrified, but the Reaper stared at them for a moment. It was as if it was contemplating whether to kill them or not.

The Reaper then hears an explosion, causing their attention to shift. The mother and her children run towards the back door and escape. The Reaper doesn't bother chasing them as it rushes towards the source of the explosion only to see multiple Grimm lying dead on the ground and disintegrating in the central market. The Reaper then sees a woman wearing robes and a wide brimmed hat at the other end of the square with illuminated golden eyes.

The Reaper prepares its blades for arms as the mage summons magic glyphs and fires a volley of fireballs at the Grimm. The Reaper blocks multiple shots but gets hit by a few before it charged at the mage. As it swings its blades at her, the mage summons a staff to block the attack and uses the staff to create a shockwave that repels the Reaper. The Grimm growls before noticing a loose brick near it.

The mage readies another attack but hears a roar behind her, causing her to turn and see pair of Beowolves pounce at her. The mage summons two glyphs under the Grimm just before they got her and the glyphs summon two ice spikes that impale them. The mage then swings her staff at a Sabyr that also tried pouncing from a nearby roof. After killing the Grimm, the mage breathes heavily from exhaustion. She then remembered about the Reaper and looks at where she last saw it. It was gone.

Mage: Huh?

She suddenly was hit hard on the side of the head by a brick, causing her to stumble and fall. Her wide brimmed hat falls off her head as she goes into a state of shock with blood trickling down her head. Her vision gets blurry as she sees the Reaper walk up to her with one of its blades having turned into a hand, which must've thrown the brick. The mage is now terrified at the mercy of the Reaper. The Grimm chuffs and raises a blade, but before it could finish her off, the Mage's eyes light up again and a more powerful and uncontrolled shockwave hits it and sends it flying into one of the houses. The whole building collapses on top of the Reaper, knocking the Grimm unconscious.

Hours pass before the Reaper comes to. It breaks free from the rubble and looks around as it is now raining. The village is riddled with bodies as the surviving Grimm scours the remains. The Reaper notices the Mage's body and walks over to. It sees her lifeless eyes staring at the dirt beside her. The Reaper glares at her for a moment before turning its blades into hands and it reaches for her head.

The Reaper turns the Mage's head so that she was staring at the skies, not the ground. It looks at all of the bodies around it and sees men, women, and children. The Reaper learned something from this night.

Death is the only equalizer for humans and Grimm alike.

Many centuries later, the Reaper, now an Alpha, is standing at the Land of Darkness. Many Grimm, many of whom are Reapers as well, stand around the Reaper Alpha. Besides the Alpha Reaper stood a cloaked Apathy Alpha. The two alphas glance at one another before they hear a noise.

From the large Grimm pool in the land, a large dragon emerges. It was a pure dark creature, not a Grimm, but more godlike. The God of Darkness, the creator of the Grimm.

Darkness: Kneel, Alphas, so that you may enter your new life.

The Reaper and the Apathy Alphas kneel before their god. The God of Darkness then spits a substance at them, causing a burning feeling on them. They shriek in pain for minutes before the pain eventually subsides. The Grimm around them watch as the two Alphas emerge from the substance, the Apathy appearing stronger but still slim while the Reaper appearing smaller from how he looked before. Previously, he was 8 foot, now he is 6 foot. But both Grimm ultimately looked more human in bodily appearance, except their heads gave away that they were still Grimm.

Darkness: You are both now rulers among the Grimm, part of a small group meant to lead the hordes not through sheer might alone but through intelligence and cunning. Alphas among Alphas. You are Herrschers!

The God looks to the Apathy.

Darkness: You are the Apathy Herrscher, you crave destruction by breaking the will of others. You will be known as Methuselah.

Methuselah bows and smiles for the first time. The God of Darkness then looks at the Reaper.

Darkness: You are the Reaper Herrscher. Unlike most of my creations among the Grimm, you seem willing to only kill those that need to die. You don't let your bloodlust get the better of you. A respectable trait in a leader. You shall be known as Azrael.

Methuselah glances over at the Reaper as Azrael bows in gratitude. The two Herrschers then feel something new alongside their new bodies.

Darkness: As a final gift, you shall be given magic. The powers my brother and I have granted to humanity. How you use your new powers is up to you. But as Herrschers, you must use them responsibly to lead the Grimm. Do you understand?

Azrael and Methuselah nod in understanding. Azrael then summons a dark fireball in one of his hands to test his new power before extinguishing it. The Grimm around roar and howl in celebration of sorts to the new Herrschers.

Thousands of years later, Azrael stands in a garden somewhere in Remnant. His appearance is more refined now, his birdlike face appearing more like a mask now and he wears a cloak over his body, which has taken on a robe-like appearance. In fact, if someone didn't know better, Azrael would pass as a human simply wearing a mask, which was the point as Azrael got older.

Azrael walks across his garden, glancing at his surroundings. Flowers of all kinds grew here with many trees scattered across the garden grounds. Azrael was proud of what he has grown here. He enters a room inside the house beside the garden, where many trinkets collected over the eons are on display. Pottery, art, unique carpentry, etc. He passed by a TV that he turns on as he walks towards a bird perch where a Phoenix stood. It was a Grimm bird, but unlike most Grimm, it was not hostile to people unless it needed to be. Azrael felt that he and the Reaper's had a lot in common with the Phoenixes. Azrael feeds the Phoenix some grub from the garden before hearing something from the TV.

Reporter: That's right, it is confirmed that Vale is under attack after an unusual Grimm appeared in Amity Coliseum.

Azrael turns to look at the TV. He sees a very familiar figure on the TV broadcast having torn apart Penny Polendina of Atlas.

Azrael: Methuselah...what is that maniac doing this time?

Azrael's eyes light up and a portal opens up beside him. He reaches to a nearby table where a wide brimmed hat sat. It was the wide brimmed hat that mage wore all those eons ago, or rather it is a replica of the hat. Azrael puts it on before he enters the portal. Upon exiting the portal, he finds himself on a cliff side where he sees smoke rising and screams down below. He crosses his arms as he sees Beacon and Vale, under attack by Grimm and the White Fang. To add insult to injury, he sees a Wyvern flying over Beacon, clearly injured from a Titan standing over at the harbor.

Azrael: Tsk.

~End Intermission Chapter 1 out of 3~

Trivia: Azrael is the Jewish and Islamic Angel of Death. His name in Hebrew can mean "Angel of God" or "Help from God." In Islam, Azrael is one of the four Archangels alongside Gabriel, Michael, and Raphael. Though his name isn't exactly stated in the Quran, I think his title of Angel of Death or "Malak al-Maut" is mentioned, but I never read the Quran and I'm making an assumption from Wikipedia.

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