6.5 Cinder

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In Atlas, a tall, dark-skinned man with dark, greying hair and brown eyes with a scar across his upper right cheek is standing near a fancy looking hotel called the Glass Unicorn. He wears a blue shirt which is covered by a bronze and navy blue vest, alongside straps over his chest and arms. His left shoulder is covered by a bronze pauldron. He appears to waiting for someone as he has his arms crossed.

??: Rhodes. Good to see you again.

The man turns his head to his left and sees a woman with blonde hair and dark eyes wearing a blue blouse with gold trimmings along with a cloak of a similar color scheme walking up to him with a hooded man wearing a black trenchcoat following her.

Rhodes: Elise- I mean, Aurelia. It's good to see you again as well!

Rhodes smiles at the emotionless woman, who crosses her arms. He then looks at the guard behind Elise.

Rhodes: And who might this be?

Elise: Locke, this is Rhodes. He can guarantee my safety from here on.

Locke lowers his hood and nods to Elise.

Locke: Understood. If you need me, I won't be far.

Elise nods as the Agent starts to walk past Rhodes. Locke nods at the Huntsman before walking out of sight.

Rhodes: *sarcastic* Those ISB Agents are always a ray of sunshine.

Elise: So what was it you wanted me to see? I don't get out of Mimar much as you well know, so I hope this isn't a waste of my time.

Rhodes: Heh, you're always like this, Aurelia.

Elise: Only to you, Rhodes. Because you have an unfortunate habit of making me do things that waste my vacation times.

Rhodes: I seem to recall you enjoyed that amusement park I took you and a few Agents to. Especially that rollercoaster ride.

Elise rolls her eyes, causing Rhodes to chuckle as he opens the hotel door for her and she nods in thanks as she enters. The hotel's lobby has various glass sculptures of creatures of Grimm, including Ursai, Sea Feilongs, Sabyrs, and Beowolves. It also featured a large clock above the lobby desk. Elise also noticed the roof was made of glass.

Elise: Fancy.

Rhodes: Wait until you meet the girl I want you to see.

Elise: Rhodes, you know I don't care about your love life. So if you think that by showing me a girl you like will get me jealous...

Rhodes: Pfft, it's not like that at all. I kinda see her more like a daughter than anything I suppose.

Elise raises an eyebrow as they approach the lobby desk where a lady was waiting for them with a smile.

Receptionist: Mr Rhodes, so good of you to give us your patronage again as always.

Rhodes: I'd like my usual room please.

Receptionist: Of course, um, though Cinder is still preparing it for you. So perhaps you'd like to wait-

Rhodes: That's fine, I'll have my room key now please.

Receptionist: Very well, sir.

The lady grabs a key from the desk and hands it to him. He nods before walking towards one of the hallways on the first floor. Elise follows him with her arms crossed until they reach the designated room on Rhodes's key. When they enter the room they see a young girl with two pigtails, probably 15 years old, making the bed. She gasps when she hears the door opens and turns around before giving a sigh of relief and smiles happily upon seeing Rhodes.

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