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Outside a window, a city filled with skyscrapers, factories, and housing areas comes into view of a man with white hair in grey and black political attire. He sees citizens on the streets, interacting with each other, doing daily routines such as hang out at restaurants or go to work. The man grabs a pitcher full of water on top of a drawer and pours into a glass. He then hears a knock at the door to his office.

Man: Enter.

The door is opened by a Mimaran soldier with his rifle slung over his shoulder.

Legionnaire: Prime Minister, *she* is here to speak with you.

The Prime Minister sips his glass.

Prime Minister: Very well, send her in.

The Legionnaire nods and steps aside to allow a Seer, a floating Grimm that appears to be a crystal ball with tentacles, hover into the office. Behind the Grimm is another Legionnaire that follows it inside.

Prime Minister: So, you didn't have the courage to come here yourself I see.

The crystal ball materializes the image of a pale woman with snow white hair with deathly black eyes with red irises. Salem.

Salem: Mikhail, the last time I visited your city, it was a rather... violent stay. I'd rather not repeat that.

Prime Minister Mikhail turns around to face the Seer, his silver eyes glaring coldly at the woman it is displaying. He then walks over to his desk near the window and sits down. The Seer moves to hover in front of it.

Mikhail: What do you want, Witch?

Salem: Straight to the point as always. I understand that your queen, my daughter, is in Vale right now. I want you to bring her back to Monarchia.

Mikhail: And why should I? I don't take orders from you.

The Seer suddenly has a bladed tentacle rush straight towards his face, just barely stopping between his eyes. The Prime Minister didn't even blink. The Legionnaires also quickly drew aimed their weapons at the Grimm. Salem then chuckles.

Salem: You Mimarans really do come from a courageous stock. Not many people would speak to me in such a manner.

Mikhail: It's hard to be scared of a woman who hides in her castle all day while she sends out goons to do her dirty work.

He takes a sip from his glass of water as the Grimm lowers its tentacle..

Salem: Tch, I guess Mimaran courage also comes with a touch of rudeness.

Mikhail sets his glass down.

Mikhail: Queen Elise has a mind of her own, Salem. I cannot force her to return to Monarchia as that is also outside my literal power. I will forward your request to her, but she is quite adamant about spending some much needed vacation time observing the Vytal Tournament.

Salem: ... Stubborn like her father.

Mikhail: Hm. Just be warned, whatever you are trying to do in Vale, we will try to stop you. We won't allow you to sow chaos in the world.

Salem: You say that, but I wonder if you can back up your words.

Mikhail: Don't underestimate us, we just might surprise you.

Salem's smirk turns into a smile.

Salem: Maybe, we shall see.

The image of Salem fades from the crystal ball. The Seer just floats there quietly.

Mikhail: If you don't want to get shot, Grimm, head on home.

After a moment, the Seer complies and floats over to the opened door and leaves with one of the Legionnaires escorting it. The other one looks over at the Prime Minister.

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