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~Narrator Point Of View~

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~Narrator Point Of View~

The next couple of months at Hogwarts passed quickly. The end of the year was approaching fast. That also meant that the Triwizard Tournament was coming to a close. The final task was today. Anastasia, Katerina, and Edmund made their way to the arena where the task would be held later that afternoon.

Once there, they found seats along with the rest of the Beauxbatons students. Soon after they found their seats, Juliette joined them. They all sat there for a while, talking about their summer plans and other various topics until everyone else arrived.

Once all the Beauxbatons, Durmstrang, and Hogwarts students were present, Dumbledore stepped up to the microphone to speak.

"Attention, please!" He spoke.

"Today, we will witness the final task of the Triwizard Tournament."

"We will also see one of these four students go down in history as a Triwizard Champion!"

The crowd applauded his speech.

"Silence!" Dumbledore said.

"Since Mr. Diggory and Mr. Potter are tied for the first position, they will be the first to enter the maze."

The crowd cheered again for the two students.

Once Dumbledore finished, he huddled with the four champions before sending Potter and Diggory to the front of the maze.

Then the Hogwarts caretaker shot off the cannon, and the band played as Harry and Cedric entered the maze. A few minutes later, Fleur and Viktor were then sent into the dark maze.

Anastasia, Katerina, and Juliette all sat in the stands and talked while Edmund went off and talked with his friends.

"So, what are your plans for the summer?" Anastasia asked.

"Well, Marcus asked if I wanted to stay with him sometime over the summer holiday," Katerina said, blushing.

"Blush much?" Juliette asked with a smile.

The girls all giggled at Katerina's crush. That is until they saw red sparks shoot up in the air.

"Someone must be in trouble," Katerina said.

"Hopefully, it isn't Fleur," Anastasia said, looking at her friends.

Unfortunately, a few moments later, Fleur walked out of the maze battered and bruised. Anastasia, Katerina, and Juliette rushed to her side to see what had happened.

"What happened?" Juliette asked, concerned.

"The trees sucked me in," Fleur said solemnly.

The girls then proceeded to take Fleur to the champions' tent. Along the way, Anastasia spotted a familiar blond staring at her. Draco.

"I'll be right back," Anastasia said after Katerina gave her a small nod.

Anastasia walked over to a concerned Draco.

"What happened with your friend?" He asked.

"Something with trees, I don't quite know." She said.

"So I guess Beauxbatons is out of it then?" He asked, sounding genuinely sorry.

"I guess," Anastasia said with a disappointed tone.

She knew it wasn't Fleur's fault, but she couldn't help her disappointment.

Then, moments later, another red spark flew in the air.

"Hopefully, Potter got eaten by a beast of some sort," Draco said as he rolled his eyes.

Anastasia burst out in laughter.

"You're so bad," Anastasia said with a smile.

"Believe me, I know," Draco said, flashing his smirk that could melt a girl's heart.

To Draco's disappointment, it was Krum.

"Why couldn't it have been that Scarhead!" He raged furiously.

Anastasia couldn't help but laugh at his anger, even though she was also upset about Krum.

"Maybe we should just go sit down," Stas said, trying her best to calm down the furious Draco.

The two sat down on the stands and watched the crowd in boredom.

"What is taking them so long to finish?" Draco said.

"I know I am going to have wrinkles by the time they are done," Anastasia said sounding annoyed.

Draco chuckled.

Soon enough, Harry and Cedric apparated back to the stadium with the Triwizard Cup in hand.

The crowd cheered, and the band played. Everyone clapped for the new champions.

The only problem was, Harry was crying, and Cedric wasn't moving.

Anastasia looked over to a laughing Draco and gave him a horrified look. He looked back at her with a worried glance.

Anastasia's head then whipped around at the sound of Fleur and Juliette's screaming and sobbing.

Finally, the teachers rushed over to Potter, whose sobs seemed to be inaudible to almost everyone.

"HE'S BACK, VOLDEMORTS BACK!" Harry yelled in between his sobs.

Anastasia suddenly felt dizzy. What had Potter just said?

Her father was dead. At least that was what everyone had told her.

She turned around to look at Edmund and Katerina.

They had upset and worried looks painted on their faces just like her.

She had to get away from it. This couldn't be true. She quickly exited the arena without being noticed by the crowd.

Soon after she had left, Draco noticed she was nowhere in sight and left the arena as well.

"Anastasia!" He yelled to her from the bottom of the hill. When she didn't answer him, he began running after her up the hill.

Once he caught up to her, he grabbed her arm to slow her down.

"What's wrong?" He asked.

Instead of saying anything, she wrapped her arms around his neck in a hug.

Draco gently grabbed her waist and pulled her towards him. The two stood on the hill for a while. Draco held Anastasia close as she explained how her father could not be back because if he was he would come to see her first. 

After a while, they both walked up to Anastasia's dorm.

Draco insisted on staying with her, but Anastasia insisted otherwise. She only wanted to get to sleep. Finally, Draco agreed to leave.

As Anastasia was pulling down her bed, she noticed a piece of parchment with her name on it. But, as soon as she grabbed it. She was taken away from her bedroom.

It was a portkey.

Why was a portkey lying on her bed?

Her mind overflowed with questions as her mind raced, trying to think what to do.

But there was one question that came up in her head and became stuck.

Did this have something to do with what had supposedly happened tonight?

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