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SAM woke up before me. Sam informed me she already spoke to Esmi to take Margaret to work  and that the four of us had some business to take care and won't be home maybe the following day but text us if something occurs we need to know about of which isn't out of the norm thank God..
-Esmi please have the delivery people take rhe furniture to the nursery. We will assemble it ourselves. They will be here by nine.  You have a good day. You too Jane.
Jane and I drove our SUV and Gloria and Isabella drove theirs. We had to make everything look normal. When we got over to the next street we pulled over.  Jane parked her SUV  and got Juliet from Gloria's SUV and put her in mine.  We picked up breakfast on the way for all because Isabella said she hadn't gone grocery shopping for the cottage yet. We arrive at their cottage and enter the house with Isabella's keys. PADDY HAS BLOOD ON HIM. Jane goes off him verbally.
Paddy so help me if you killed my little brother I will hunt you down and kill you myself.  Jane calm down its fish flood. Gloria what no food. Well we weren't expecting anyone to be here. 
Tommy comes out downstairs and hugs me.
Sis I heard you threaten him.  You nuts. Yeah when it comes to protecting mine.  Are any of you packing? No we said in Unison. Where is the other guy at? He tried to escape when we got off the plane..Paddy you killed him? Maura you don't run from me and live. May I hold my granddaughter? No she doesn't trust strangers.I  am not a stranger. To her you are. We are here what do you want?
Maura I wanted to spend time with my only grandchild. Paddy I am not going to allow you to spend time with her. You are going to Allow everyone to leave here including Tommy.  I will get Tommy to Spain safely and he can turn himself in. Maura that is not how I do business. Jane take Juliet and everyone leave NOW. MAURA YOU DON'T CALL THE SHOTS. PADDY I AM YOUR DAUGHTER AFTER ALL DON'T THINK I CAME ALONE.
Paddy stares at me.
PADDY YOUR MEN HAVE BEEN DISARMED ALREADY AND ONE WAS KILLED FOR BEING UNCOOPERATIVE.  MAURA YOU GOT BALLS..YES, I DO THAT IS HOW I HAVE JULIET LEAVE NOW. THERE WILL BE MEN TO GET TOMMY TO SPAIN SAFE. Paddy the one man wasn't the only one killed.  The men watching Gloria's family and Jane's family are dead too.  so the way I count ut 15 of your soldiers are dead.   You definitely have loyal soldiers but so do I.  I look everyone and they leave.
I know they don't want to leave me here somewhat alone.
Here is some breakfast.
Maura you do have my blood in you..Yes, I do. I  will be leaving here shortly.  Paddy don't ever threaten my loved ones nor theirs again.  Next time I won't stop at your men.  Go anywhere but away from my loved ones and theirs. Maura can I have a picture of her at least? Yes.
I remove the one from my wallet and leave Gloria's cottage. I drive to mine because I knew my family would be there waiting. The vehicles are in the garage and I park mine and go inside with my gun that PADDY thought I didn't have on me. Jane runs to me and slaps me.
Don't you ever do something stupid like that again. Did you get to talk to Tommy more at least? Yes. Thank yoy Isabella for the ice pack. She does have a punch on her even a slap.  Sam when did you start planning this? WHEN YOU CALLED ISABELLA AND GLORIA, I MADE CONTACT AND MADE ARRANGEMENTS THAN THE FLIGHT. MY PRIORITY WAS TO MAKE SURE EVERYONE IS SAFE BUT BABE I COULD NOT TELL YOU. I KNOW WE SAID WE WON'T KEEP SECRETS BUT I NEEDED TO KNOW YOU WOULD DO WHAT YOU
DO. I ALSO HAD THEM REMOVE THE BUGS IN MAX SON'S HOME AND FRANKIE'S. I COULDN'T TELL YOU BECAUSE THEY WOULD OF HEARD MY PLAN AND TOLD PADDY. HE WON'T BOTHER ANY OF YOU ANYMORE.  HE NOW KNOWS WHAT I AM CAPABLE OF. I Just feel bad 16 people had to die in two days because of Paddy but you all and your loves ones mean to me as they mean to you. Sam you know who my siblings are all this time and my nieces. Yes, I know alot but don't say anything. This is how I have kept alive all these years. It just wasn't because of Paddy.  I AM GOING TO GO TAKE A LONG SWIM TO UNWIND. Babe please hold onto this.
Sam opens her blouse and pulls out a gun and hands it to me once she clears the one in the chamber out.
Sam you are good. I didn't even seen that one and I can usually spot one. Babe this is. newer model. 
I look at the gun and she is correct.  it's a newer model and smaller even with 45 bullet.
Sam disrobes and jumps in the pool.  Gloria follows her outside and disrobes too and jumps in.
Isabella, Juliet and I are watching them racing doing laps.
Isabella I guess there still alot I don't know about Sam. Jane don't be upset.  There are some aspects of Gloria's life I don't know either after 30 years of marriage and longer. Did you say 30? YES,  So when you were in  Boston, your anniversary arose. Yes. we had plans but than our plans change.  You two and Juliet mean more to us than celebrating 30 years. Isabella I am going to order whatever you want to eat and a bottle of champagne.  No, unless you all celebrate it with us. okay and the food. You know in town the food..We are barely learning it. Okay you place the order and I wi have uber to get it along with some champagne.  deal  deal . We are paying for it.  AFTER all your still on the clock. 
Jane brings Juliet outside.
Babe what is wrong? These two women. What what did we do? You didn't tell us it was your anniversary when you were in  Boston.  Oh that.
Sam dove down in the water and got under her and had Gloria on her shoulders.
Sam you know this looks ridiculous? So what.   Jane and Isabella just laughed at us.
Sam that would be a good photo if you two would have clothes on. We both look down.  Sam suddenly tosses Gloria off of her and we laugh more.  Gloria isn't laughing and they begin to wrestle in the pool.  Isabella and I shake our heads, Juliet coos and we go back inside.  Jane answers the door and I go tell the ladies to get dry. Jane leaves the food and champagne on the counter and goea upstairs with Juliet in her arms and robes and towels.
Here dry off and put these on. Put your clothes in the washing machine and we will too because the only extra clothes we have are Juliets. Isabella there are robes in the downstairs bathroom for us.  Jane and I took turns undressing and putting robes on and holding Juliet.  Gloria and Sam come inside.
Sweetie bring some flutes,  plates, forks etc and we will bring the champagne and food up.
Jane carries the champagne and Juliet upstairs to their bedroom. She places Juliet in the bassinet in their bedroom. We go to the deck.

 We go to the deck

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The sun is setting

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The sun is setting..We are eating steak and lobster cheesy biscuits. red baked potatoes and salads.
They did a good job on the deck too.. Maybe we can use it later without you two. Its possible but we are staying in our room Gloria. Yeah yeah Sam.
Isabella tells them- Enough you two or no desserts for either of you later.  Babe she doesn't speak for you. Tonight she is. Gloria we need to behave because I need my sugar. 
We all laugh. We toast them and show them around and to their room.

 We toast them and show them around and to their room

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This will eventually be Juliet's room. You think you saying it will be her room that will stop me from dessert.  Not happening.  We laugh and leave them alone We leave our bedroom door unlocked and turn the alarm on all exterior windows and doors except our bedrooms.
They finally come in and jump in our bed being silly.
Aye you two get out of my bed. The alarm is set  our exterior doors.  Dont go down our stairs or the alarms will go off and will get a video of you in your birthdays suits and om record with the police department. Yup I have it set that way. Now, leave, get your water or whatever you need and no peeing in our hot tub either.

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