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Two more weeks had gone by and the door opened up while Maura was asleep.  I left her a note and left.
I knew Jane had left.I felt her when she got out of bed to take a shower after we made love all night.  I knew she would return and start a life here with our child. I just wasn't sure if I would be part of it. I left Jane cash and her new passport to get back to Boston. On one of the bills, I wrote I do love you. M
I  was waiting at the airport to pay for my ticket when I saw on the five dollar bill her note to me. I kept that five and paid for my air fare. I bought some water and snacks and several five dollar euros I received back.  I placed the one Maura wrote on on my bra folded up.
-Frankie please come and get me from the airport and only bring Frost.  Will do sis. I missed you but knew you returned for a while. Well FROST and I both knew. We have packed your bags so when you are ready to leave again to meet her they will be ready.

My brother and Frost were correct.  They came and picked me up and hugged me tight.
-Let's go to the precinct and get this over with. Partner how long will you still work before you resign? I am not sure. When you do, I will miss you. Frost I will miss you too. Well let's get this farce out of the way and us be good actors for you.  She better be worth it or we will go get her ourselves and arrest her. Frost,  Frankie she is worth it. I know I am putting your careers at risk but you will see down the road, she was worth it. Also,  you two are going to be uncles.  Say what sis. How by whom? FRANKIE WHAT DO YOU mean how? Do I need to explain the birds and bees to you again? No but.  Frankie she got me pregnant.  Yes, before you  ask me its possible.  She has quite an impressive penis.  Frankie my mother has told me that there are women who have a penis. I just never met anyone but that is not true anymore. Wow, says Frankie. Sis only you would find a woman who has a penis to get pregnant by to save money on being inseminated.  Of course, Frankie that was plan all the time.  I DIDN'T MEAN TO FALL IN LOVE WITH MY PERP BUT IT HAPPENED. AT LEAST,  MY RECORD STILL STANDS FIGURING OUT THE CASE AND CAPTURING THE PERP, BUT YOU TWO WILL BE THE ONLY WHO WILL KNOW IT. EVERYONE ELSE WILL THINK I GOT BURNT OUT ON THE JOB.
We arrived at the precinct and everyone clapped for me when they saw me. I felt like a heel but kept the charade going. Cavanaugh requested to speak to me as well as INA. I got interrogated and passed with flying colors.
Captain I am putting in my resignation effective today.  Rizzoli we all know this was an experience you won't forget.  Sir it definitely won't be. Rizzoli if you change your mind let me know. I won't turn in your resignation paper work for two weeks to give you time to think about it. Thank you sir.
I left the precinct with my belongings with Frankie and Frost.
Sis I knew you were always a good story teller but dang that was far your best one.  I am going to miss you but will see you three when the baby arrives you can count on that. I will be a devoted uncle to my niece or nephew. When you do hook up with Isles let her know, if she screws you over or hurts,  you I will hunt her down and bring her back to the states. I know that and she does too.  Do you know when  you are leaving for Europe? Once I get everything situated here. Frost I want you to leave with Frankie but you know he will get my masterbedroom and you get his.  Yeah,  I know.  I will make the mortgage payments so if you decide to come back partner, you will still have your home with Frankie.  Frost I am definitely going to miss you partner.  Partner once that baby is born. Frankie and flying down and playing the charade for you for you and my niece or nephew's sake.  Take me home, so I can get my jeep so I can tell the family and my  few close friends. Do you want me to go with you sis? No but thank you.

While Jane was in the states, I was getting the tattoo removed, my dental work in my mouth to be altered, finger prints altered or more accurate burned and my face redone to look differently.  All of this was painful but was worth it for me to be with Jane.
My before and after photos.

My before and after photos

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These plastic surgeons in Germany did a superb job

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These plastic surgeons in Germany did a superb job. My vocal cords I had altered as well. 

I went and met with my parents and Tommy and told them I returned safely but this was too much for me to continue working as a detective and living in the states.  I wanted to have a new start and I was moving to Italy in two months. My father was understanding.  Tommy saw that as cool. My mother was against me and grounded me from leaving which I thought was cute. We spoke further and I left.  I went to tell Kiki which was Korsak's wife and my colleague Nina who had the day off. I met with each one telling them I needed a change and Italy was for me. No one would know of me. I could start over and be me without any expectations from my career or my family.  They understood me and wished me well. Each was going to miss me and Kiki knew Korsak would have a difficult time but I needed to do what was best for me.

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