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I woke up with my gal next to me. I was worn out from all the sex we had for not having any sex, since Jane had left that morning. My needs were beyond met. Jane had marked my collar bone.  Last night before we made love she tried to see any scars on my face from my surgery but couldn't.  My plastic surgeon in Germany did  many criminals sought out because of his expertise.  I was fortunate to be one of the last few he had done. I heard on the news this morning and burned him and all his records alive with his surgical team.  I was angry for someone to do that.  He and his staff were nice people and went out of their way to help you and checked on afterwards.  I felt bad for their families and got on one of my secret accounts and sent each of the family a condolecence and monies to help their families.  Jane was waking up and nuzzled into my neck.
-Jane we need to get up and make breakfast and get going.  Your appointment is at ten. okay babe.  Babe I was waking up but heard part of the news on those people being burned that is sad and awful someone did that. Yes, it is babe. I hope they catch the people or person who did that.
Jane and I ate and made it to her first medical appointment in Italy to see how she and the baby were doing.  I answered many questions but some I could not and Jane answered the rest. Dr. Smith was glad to meet us both and we had all the medical history answers she needed.  Jane was doing well and she asked us if we wanted to know the gender. I left that up to Jane.  I was glad though Jane wanted to know. We left with her prescription and next appointment.
Sweetie now I know what to do with the baby nursery and we can pick her name too. I have several I like. Jane I am leaving you to choose our little girl. If it was a boy, I was going to ask you if I could name him. Maybe next one.  Next one.  Sweetie let me get through this one first. I love you are eager but one at a time.
Let's go get you and my baby girl lunch now and than we can go furniture shopping.  Let me answer this phone and I all yours after wards. 
Sam wrapped her arms around my waist and answered her cell.
Samantha Hough how can I  help you ? Sir I will have one of the realtors to go to your site to look into what we may get for your business. I won't be available for the rest of this week but you are left in competent hands.  Thank you.

Jane what type of food are you craving for babe? Clam chowder bowl  and a nice sandwich with ice tea. Okay, I know where to take you. Babe start observing the streets and surrounding areas so when you drive you won't get lost. Tomorrow we need to go to their motor vehicles to get a license. I picked you up a book to study. If you need more time that is okay. I will drive you or you can get a taxi cab or uber. 
We ate at a little hole in the wall place but the food was delicious. Sam, Sam, Sam  I kept saying her new name in my head. She chose a good place for lunch.
Sweetie you said you like to shop. Let's go to a place that has leather furniture for the family room. I want to go there first and than to concentrate on the nursery and to go find a photographer who is good and isn't too pricey to take family photos down the road for us.  Baby girl anything you want. Oh, you will need another vehicle to fit extra baby items than this BMW of yours. Jane I haven't shown you what is in the garages. I know you said you like to do your own yard. I disagree but you are the boss. I am hmmm. Don't go crazy thinking you will get your way all the the time. Oh me, I wouldn't do that.  Yeah right. Anyway,  I bought you a riding mower with garden tools. I will have a gardener help you weekly. I already started a garden in the back yard too.  The SUV I have purchased is not new because I didn't want to bring too much attention to us. You will keep me grounded on spending I know that.  Here is the photo of the Mercedes.

  Here is the photo of the Mercedes

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I have yet to put up our bikes. surf boards and other items. I know this garage will have some sort of boston red sox items on the wall. I particularly don't want any sport items inside unless our baby girl wants it. Oh so if I want it, its a no.  Sorry but yes, unless you have a a real expensive item.  Sweetie I do have several expensive items of babe Ruth. I  would like those up in the game room. We can do that. 
Jane picked out the decor for our family room and the nursery. Maura I mean Sam I want the baby name to be Juliet Anne Rizzoli Hough. I like the way that sounds.
We finally made it home and beat the furniture delivery for the family room.
Jane let the guys set it up. Anything heavy or high, I will put up. Maura kisses me. Oh M..
I  kissed her long because what name she was saying.  She realized she messed up.

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