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We join the others. My mother tells us. You know she can get pregnant again or have medical issues.
MA we didn't do what you thought.  I am okay and so is Sam.  We are tired so we are going tp go to bed. We take Juliet with us because we know Frankie and Nina will get her later om from us.
Kiki and Korsak give us a hug. Korsak notices the burns on my fingers.
-Sam those  must of been painful.  Yes, Korsak they were. They are the reasons I try to help burn victims when I can. I was able to get my hand and arms repaired but the surgeon said he couldn't do anything for my fingers.  Korsak honey let them go to bed.
We leave with Juliet upstairs.
-Sam that was quick thinking. Babe I wasn't lying. I was burned while having the surgery and they had to do more work.  My bio father well I wasn't going to tell you, but I think I should now. okay,  I am listening.  Paddy did kill those people and I do want him caught and prosecuted for what he did to them.  One of the nurses used too much of a chemical and it burned my hands and arms. Paddy found out some how and got revenge in the worst possible way. I felt guilty and sent their family members money.  Sam why didn't you tell me sooner.  Because I didn't want the look you have on your face now. These were my poor choices I made after being hurt by the cop.No one elses but mine.  I was able to get a deceased child's fingers to be used on  my birth cerificate in Sam's name. No one will know the difference. You know how I gained all that weight.  It was because I wasn't allowed to exercise like I normally do. The doctor was afraid I would catch an infection. Sam no more lies. Babe no more cover ups and lies to you.  I hope that keeps Korsak to stop comparing us now.  This happened after the situation with you. Sam I hope so too, but he is a bloodhound when he is stuck on something and unfortunately that is you. Jane if he doesn't stop Paddy will kill him. I don't want that happening to him.
We see Korsak on the monitor knocking on the door.  Sam goes to the bathroom to take a shower and I answer it.
-Jane I want to apologize to you. For what? I was seeing similarities between Maura Isles and Sam. I thought Sam was Maura.  I am truly sorry.  I should of trusted you that you wouldn't of hooked up with Maura.  Korsak thank you.  I haven't seen Maura since that day I left. I first  saw Sam at a church I went to pray at when I first got here and we hit off right away. Okay, thanks for accepting my apology.  PLEASE tell Sam I am sorry.  I will.  Sam shower soon.   I don't think you want to see her when she comes out of the bathroom. Uh no I don't. Good night.

I hug Korsak goodnight and close and lock our bedroom door.  Sam comes out naked. 
-What did he have to say? He admitted that he thought you were Maura. I told him I met you at the church where I was praying at and we hit it right off. He said to tell you he was sorry and should trust me not hooking up with Maura.  Well that is good.  Yes but still be careful around him. He did notice our photo of us from work at least.  He can put that nonsense of me leaving Boston behind.  Jane he wouldn't of thought that if I wouldn't of put my foot down. Let's just move forward Sam. Sam please go put your boxers on at least. I don't want to be tempted.  What time is your in and out procedure on your vasectomy tomorrow? Eleven.  I am going to get uber up and back than come home to ice it and rest up like I am suppose to.
Frankie is at the door and Sam covers herself up on the bed. I get the door.  Frankie her bottles are in the refrigerator.  You and Nina thank you. We need sleep badly.  No problem.
Frankie hugs me and takes Juliet and the side bed with him. I close and lock the door. We cuddle and fall asleep.

The following morning we woke up refreshed. 
Sam I think I am going to need a nanny if I open up my own studio  I don't want our daughter to feel neglected by either of us.  I already knew that.  After the wedding,  I have lined up interviews so we can find one.
We get dressed and go downstairs to eat breakfast. Juliet is sound asleep on Nina.

Frankie here is the keys to my SUV if you need a vehicle today. I don't want anyone to be driving Jane's. I have an appointment today and will be back around one but will be in bed afterwards. Sam you okay? Yeah,  going to go get a vasectomy today.  Ah ouch okay. Just you, Nina andJane know of my procedure.

I finish eating and Frankie tells me sis. I know I have alot to do with the bank and loan, but I am taking you and bringing you home. I can do what I would do on my lap top anyway.  You sure Frankie? Yes, I am not taking a no for your answer.  I am not one for standing my ground on certain areas that don't concern me, but you are my nieces parent and Jane's girlfriend.  You have already done more for Nina and I and we didn't even ask for it. This is the least I can. Also it will give us some time to catch up.
I kiss Juliet and Jane good bye Frankie kisses Nina and Juliet goodbye. During the drive, I update Frankie on Korsak's views. Frankie said I knew he was thinking but didn't know all of that.  With the wedding planning,  I haven't spoken to Frost like we normally do.

We arrive ahead of time. Sam completes the necessary insurance forms and signs giving the doctor permission to do the vasectomy.  They call Sam in. I get on my lap top and read my email. I am thrilled, they approved the loan after seeing I am getting married and will have an additional income for the loan.  SAM comes out with ice pack and we leave to get some lunch. Frankie did you find out yet? Yes, I got it. We eat  an Italian pizza and have a beer before we go back to my place.
Nina comes out.
Babe we got the loan.  I can buy the home and we can start building immediately too with cousin, Alfredo doing the work.  Frankie thanks for taking me. When I get some rest and you update Jane, we can work on the forms for the purchase.
Frankie our parents, Frost are ready to go look for a dress and tuxedos or suits for you all.
Frankie leaves and Kiki and Korsak left to be tourists.  Jane had lent Korsak her jeep.
Jane and I our home to ourselves with Juliet.

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