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"A noted relief, but I am more concerned of this." He exchanged the onyx for the other gemstone. Gently, you placed it beneath the running water. It was not decoratively cut yet, however it was incredibly large for how pure it looked. Ten carats, you supposed, although you wouldn't really have known.

"It is pure." You said as the CEO breathed a sigh of relief. "Quartz, huh? Strange that you would be more concerned, although if it is exactly what you were looking for, then I am hoping you got a good price on it. Much better than hematite, in my opinion."

"Quartz?" The voice transformed into thinly veiled fury. "Quartz!? That crooked bastard is going to wish he never crossed me!" You heard a crash as you ducked. The water soon lit up with broken glass and a large shiny rock of onyx. "Nalen! Nalen! Call my lawyer! Immediately!" A sense of victory begins to well up within you.

Craftily, you grabbed the onyx and slipped both it and the second gemstone into your pockets. As "Hayushi-sama" stormed out of the bathroom, you followed behind and sneaked along the wall to find your way out. In the commotion, no one thought to stop the poor woman simply trying to avoid the angry man.

As soon as you exited the building, you were greeted with a nen flare, directing you to a particular car. The vehicle was parked a short distance from the front door. Feeling around, you found the handle and quickly opened and shut yourself inside. You could feel his gaze lock with yours, intent on hearing the prognosis.

Pulling out your hand, you showed him the two stones.

"That's the onyx..." He took it from you and examined it. "But that..."

"What is it? The guy never told me, and we even spoke the same language."

"That's a giant black diamond, if I'm not mistaken." He shook his head. He switched to the more common language, just for comedic effect. "Lose big expensive diamond make rich man angry?"

"Yes. Rich man very angry." You smiled and shook your head. "Blind girl do good?"

"Beautiful girl do great." And with that, his lips met yours briefly, before the speed of the car pushed you back into your seat. Your first heist was over and a wonderful success. However, Feitan had made it clear that this would be easier than any other trip. There would be the seeing barrier, language barrier and even an ethnicity barrier. But he had made it clear he would be there for you. And that was really all you could ask for; especially considering what you were going to make with these items.

Rain (Feitan x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now