•Thirty Nine•

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When they arrived at the apartment building cops were outside. Nick makes his way through the crowd of people. He always tried to avoid cops but he couldn't this time because they were at his home. "What the hell happened?" he asked. He looks down to see Miya and Mykie sitting on the bench.

"They were attacked by that guy there" the cops speaks up. He pointed to the man that was in the back of the cop car, he looks very distraught and malnourished. The cops knew all about Nick but this time they weren't there for him. "The guy hasn't said a word since we arrested him. I told the girls to come down to the station to give a statement. We'll press charges on him" the cop nods. He looks to the girls giving them a smile before walking away.

Miya was staring at the man. She was trying to get inside his mind but it was completely blocked. She knew this had to be the work of something other worldly. She could feel Nick staring down at her, which made her more nervous.

"Nick.." Mykie speaks but he stops her by putting his finger up. He didn't want to hear what she had to say, he wanted to hear it from Miya. There had to be something other worldly going on right now. He knew this wasn't the work of the usual Germans.

He bends down in front of her, he takes his hand placing it on hers. He could feel the sparks course through his body. Their love was undeniable. It was sadly short lived, Miya ended up pulling her hand away. Nick felt a sting in his heart, even though they weren't together right now it still hurt.

"I need your help telling me who took Ell" he said. He didn't want to mention the note yet, in case there was a way of keeping them both safe.

"I don't know" Miya still wouldn't look at him. She knew if she did, she'll end up breaking down.

"Please, there must be something you could do" Mykie begs. She ends up reaching over taking her by the hand.

Miya lets out a sigh, she looks over at Mykie. "There's something I can do but I need something that Ell loves" she said.

Mykie nods her head, she gets up. She couldn't think of anything in that moment, the teddy bear Ell loved was taken with her. "I don't know" she runs her fingers through her hair. She looks at Nick for help, he seemed to be clueless. That's when she noticed it in his hands, she reaches over taking it. "Is this Ell's?" she asked.

Nick nods his head "yeah, someone had tossed it from the window. I think they were tailgating us but we lost them" he replied.

"Did it have anything else with it?" Mykie asks.

"No, just that peice of cloth" Nick replied. He didn't like lying to her but maybe the less she knew, the more better it would be. At some point he'd have to sit down and have a chat with Miya. Besides he wanted to see how the baby was doing, she hadn't gotten bigger but could definitely see she was pregnant. All he wants is a normal life, with his girls. He's not only stuck between the FBI, and Germans but also some supernatural creatures that shouldn't even exist. His thoughts got interrupted by Phoenix.

"Why didn't you ask her?" he questioned.

"I don't want to do it with Mykie around. She shouldn't be involved into this anymore" he said.

He entered his home, it was a complete mess. The coffee table was broke in half, the television busted up. It look like a tornado came through. None of this stuff he could probably replace, then again he was having second thoughts about living there.

"I need a candle, at least two" Miya looks at Mykie.

Mykie nods her head, she hurried off to find two candles. It was a good thing Reece had given her a few for Christmas, weird gift to give a teenage girl but his intentions were good.

"Is this safe? For the baby I mean" Nick frowns.

Mykie had came back, she places the candles on the table. She looks over at Miya worried. "Miya..." she began to say but Miya stops her.

"The baby will be fine" she said. She had been using her powers since she was five years old, it was always hard for her to control it. No matter what she tried, her emotions would soemtimes get in the way of it.

The entire room was in silence. They all were watching Miya closely. None of them could believe this was real, this was something parents told their kids to scare them. They were still trying to wrap their heads around it but Mykie came to accept it.

Miya lit up the candles with a snap of a finger. She picks up Ell's tore up shirt placing it on the table.

"This is so freaky" Phoenix whsipers.

"I need complete silence for this to work" Miya said.

Once the room was quiet again. Miya slowly places her hand on the table, she was holding onto Ell's shirt. "Indicans" she speaks Latin. She began to repeat the words, the flames from the candles got bigger.

Nick had thought they would end up burning something down after seeing the way they flamed up. He was in shock, the person he love was something different. He didn't know how to approach it.

Soon Miya's eyes turned completely white. She was now looking through the eyes of Ell. She began to look around the room rapidly, trying to find anyone but nothing. Miya decided she needed to tap into Ell's mind. Only the most powerful witches could do this, there were many that tried and failed. Witching wasn't something you learned, they were born with it. Some witches were stronger than others, but they're all the same.

"Ell" Miya speaks but the child said nothing. "Ell" she ends up raising her voice.

The small child becomes alert. "Miya are you here? I don't see you" she said. "I'm scared, I miss Nick" the child began to cry.

"I'm not there but I am inside your head. I can see whatever you can,and feel but right now I need you to call the people in that took you. I know they're scary but I promise, I won't let anything happen to you" she said.

Ell doesn't say anything for a moment. She didn't want to see the scary man's face again but she believed in Miya. "I have to pee" her small voice carried through the building. "I really, really, really have to pee" she calls out again.

Someone had come up to the door, they opened it up. It was Amber. "Shut up little brat. There's a bucket in the corner" she said.

"Now, now Amber; she's just a child. Sure you were one once" the man appeared in view.

Miya heart was beating rapidly, there was no way in hell he was alive. They had put him down, how the hell would he even come back. This was the same man that had killed half the town, one of the reasons she had left. He was someone not to mess with. She didn't take her eyes off him, this man was a hybrid. Cross between something evil.

Some reason Miya began to feel light headed. She was trying to stay up, she needed a location. "Hang tight Ell, we're coming to get you" Miya says.

With that last sentence, she ended up closing her eyes. Seeing nothing but blackness take over her.

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