I stare in surprise as Darcy and Ian wrap their arms around each other and kiss passionately.

I smile sadly at them, wishing that Loki were here.


After tending to everyone's injuries and giving both Ian and Darcy an autograph, and a selfie, Thor tells Jane he has to go back to Asgard to work some stuff out with his father. Jane had offered to let me stay the night at her apartment, however, I'd politely declined. I asked Thor if I could go with him, so I could pick up my stuff and give Odin my mission report.

Thor had agreed and summoned the Bifrost to take us to Asgard.

I make sure I've packed all my belongings and grab my bag, before heading to the throne room to meet with Odin before Thor.

"Forgive me, Sire, but I've failed in my mission to watch and protect your son," I say as I bow before the old man sitting in the throne. "I'd tried to save him, but I was too late."

"You mustn't blame yourself, my dear. Thor told me everything," Odin says, surprising me as I blink my eyes and straighten up. "He told me as soon as you'd returned. I'm grateful for everything you've done for my son, despite the fact he's a criminal." I nod my head slightly, my throat feeling tight. "I heard from Thor and Loki how you've been a good influence on him. He'd promised me he'd changed because of the woman he loves."


"I'm happy he has something worth fighting for," Odin interrupts me, giving me a smile. "Perhaps, has things been different, I possibly have let you two live together on Asgard, considering all I've heard about you from him. Loki appeared to be beyond all reason, except, maybe, to you. I thank you, Aqua, for everything you've done."

I bow as I say, "Of course, Your Highness."

"I do hope you'll stay in Asgard? We could use someone like you in our ranks," Odin says seriously.

"Oh. Um... I thank you, Sire, but right now, I need to return to my own world. I'm needed there, and I need to be with my family," I say politely.

"Of course. I understand. Though I hope you'll come back and visit soon? You liven the place up," Odin says with another smile, making me smile in return.

"You bet I'll come back," I tell him, straightening my spine. "But, for now, I need to return to my home world, Your Highness."

I bow once more with my arm across my stomach. When I straighten, Odin gives me a final smile as he says, "If I need you, I'll summon for you."

I nod before I turn on my heel and walk out of the throne room. Thor stops me on my way out.

"Thank you for everything, Aqua," He says, squeezing my shoulder. "I've realised recently just how much you'd meant to Loki. Thank you."

"I loved him, yet I couldn't even save him," I murmur. "Sometimes I wonder what's the point of having healing powers if I can't even save those I love."

"You're one of the strongest people I know, Aqua. Don't let anything or anyone change you," Thor says, gazing into my eyes.

I throw my arms around him in a fierce hug which he returns.

"What will you do now?" I ask.

"I'll protect the Nine Realms by travelling through them," He says. "I'll be gone for awhile."

I hug him tighter, not wanting another of my friends to leave me, but I know I can't make him stay.

"I'll miss you, my friend," I whisper.

"As I you, Aqua," Thor whispers back.

After another long moment, we pull back and I take a deep breath. I then lean up and kiss Thor's cheek. He smiles at me as I pull away, which I return, and I head for the castle doors.

The white made from my first day here is waiting outside for me. I mount her and a knight escorts me to the Bifrost.

I enter the domed room and spare Heimdall a smile to which he returns with a nod of acknowledgment, still standing by the sword in the altar.

I stand before the archway and partially turn toward Heimdall. I give him a single nod and Heimdall pushes the sword into the altar, before twisting it.

The archway behind me turns to rainbow as I look back at it. I step into the archway and was engulfed in a rainbow light.

Within moments, I reappear back on the deck of the helicarrier, startling those around me.

I was home.


After I'd given Fury my mission report and told him of me and Loki, I'd returned to my parent's house and told them as well, letting mum comfort me.

As I lie on my back on my couch at my place, my phone rings.

I answer to see it was President Ellis.

"What is it, Sir?"

"Aquamarine, we have a problem. Steve Rogers has escaped with the fugitive, Bucky Barnes and has breached the prison..."

"What? I-I'm sorry. You're gonna have to speak up. I'm afraid I can't hear you," I say sarcastically, straightening up.

"Steve Rogers is a fugitive of the law with Bucky Barnes. I need you to bring him in."

"Sorry, no can do. And, nope, there's no problem at all! Sorry, but I'm losing you!" I hang up before the president can say anything more.

I heave a sigh as I lie on my stomach, draping my arms over the couch, as I blow some hair from my face, only for it to fall back in place.

Oh, Cap... now what'll we do...?

Water and Ice (Loki Love Story)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora