Chapter 13 S: A Sad Goodbye

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It was around midnight when Shinso had the idea. He literally almost jumped out of his bed and screamed when he thought of it but because he is who he is he didn't. Instead he stealthily reached for Kaminari's phone and hit the contacts button. When the girl on the phone answered she was yawning but suddenly had a panic attack, she must have read the contact.

"Denki!?" she shouted.

"No, it's me Shinso," he whispered, "And be quiet."
"Oh, ok. What you doing?"

"Have you left yet?"

"No, why?"

"Meet me at the park near the hospital tomorrow at seven."

"Just be there."



"Bye?" He managed to put his friend's phone back and lie back in his bed without alerting the sleeping teenager. He breathed a sigh of relief at his accomplishment. And then... he couldn't go back to sleep. Great...

The next morning he couldn't wait to get out of bed, he didn't feel excited or anything in fact he felt incredibly nervous. The plan he had for today could be good for Kami but it all depended on his reaction. That's why at six in the morning he shook his friend awake.

His golden eyes blinked slowly and sleepily awake. "What time is it?" he grumbled. To anybody the blonde teenager looked like his usual self, energetic and perfectly happy but Shinso knew better. The spark that was usually in his eyes wasn't there and his whole expression seemed much less enthusiastic than usual.

Of course the indigo haired teenager was most likely the only one to realise this as he was perfect at reading people's expressions and knew what had happened yesterday. "Kami, we're going to the park," he stated simply.

"What? Why?"

"Just come."
"Hang on I need to get ready first." And so the pair got ready and without realising they put on almost identical clothes, a t-shirt with a denim jacket and jeans. The only difference was that Kaminari's shirt was white while Shinso's was grey. They headed out and made it to the park shortly.

The blonde halted as the two came across a girl. She had long, flowing blonde hair with a just visible black streak running through it. She wore a yellow oversized shirt that was tucked into a grey skirt. Black heels were on her feet and a cute black hat was placed on her head. She turned around to face the boys revealing beautiful golden eyes and freckles sprinkled over her cheeks and nose. The girl looked almost exactly like Kaminari, a female version of him. This girl was Keiryaku.

"Shinso, what did you- Denki!" she yelped upon seeing her little brother. The two blonde siblings stared at each other before bursting into tears. "You... are so dumb, Yaku!" he sobbed.

"I'm sorry, little bro!" They ran forward and hugged each other, squeezing the life out of one another. Awkwardly, he watched the exchange wondering if this was a good idea. "I'm guessing Shinso told you?" she said glancing at the other teenager.

"He told me everything! How could you!"

"I didn't want to hurt you!"
"What could possibly hurt me more than you faking your own death!?"
"Oh, I don't know maybe finding out I'm a villain? You always hated them!"

"I couldn't care less if you were a villain or a hero or a vigilante! You're my sister so I'll always love you, no matter what!"


"Yes! So you should've just told me! It's really stupid to just fake your death like that!" It was weird seeing Denki scold someone for being stupid. His anger didn't last long as they clutched at each other more tightly in a hug that lasted at least ten minutes.

"So..." the indigo insomniac began feeling out of place during the special sibling moment, "I, uh, thought you guys could spend like a day or something doing some fun stuff, having a bonding moment."

"That's a great idea!" the siblings exclaimed in unison before giggling like crazy, they really were like little kids.

"I guess I'll be going then?" he made it sound more like a question than a statement but they shook their heads.

"Come with us!", Keiryaku said, "You seem really close with my brother so I'd love to get to know you! Besides I want to know your whole friendship story from when you first met to how you became friends!" The friends stared at each other making sure that it was alright for the other to tell the young lady about their friendship.

"Well," Kaminari began as the group started walking through the park, "It all started when Shin moved into my dorm. I showed him around but the very same day his class wrote some mean things about him on the board. I comforted him and that night we had the nicknames for each other. I gave his whole class, except for him of course, detention for, like, ages! After that we hung out a bit and the Bakusquad got jealous so they hosted 'The Bakusquad Acceptance Night'. Shinso, here, is now an honorary member of the Bakusquad but not actually a proper member yet. Aizawa made him audition for the play and so we were both members in the play! We became quite close during that."

By the time he had finished they had left the park and were heading to an ice-cream shop. "When Kami went out one time I redecorated our room and he liked it. Then it was time for the performance only a few months later. He helped me feel confident enough to actually get on the stage. Aftyer all the shows we diud were done we got to have a week off of school. One night Kami got a phone call from... his mum so I comforted him. We shared our sad stories and watched a movie. We went to the mall with the Bakusquad as well. I convinced him to visit you and... you k now the rest."

Keiryaku took all this information in and nodded as well as smiled, "You two seem like great friends," she beamed as they entered the shop, "Ice-creams are on me!" The two blondes both got choc-chip flavoured ice-cream while he got vanilla and boysenberry flavour. The group chatted while eating their delicious treats and eventually left.

They walked around town, peaking into shops along the way occasionally buying some stuff like clothes. By the time night had fallen with its silver, shiny stars and moon they had plenty of shopping bags clutched in their hands and full stomachs.

The blonde girl decided to walk the boys back to the dorms. When they got there she turned to her brother sadly and whispered, "I'm leaving tomorrow."

"I'll miss you..." After one last hug she turned around and ran off while calling over her shoulder, "I'll miss you! I'll text you every day!"

"I'll text you too!" As soon as his sister was out of sight he broke into tears. Shinso having expected this simply wrapped an arm around him and walked him back to their dorm. The Bakusquad were inside waiting for them and immediately rushed to their friend's side, even Bakugo came.

Shinso hastily explained that his family was moving and they all comforted him, taking turns in hugging him. They all watched a movie and eventually the rest of the class came down to watch it too. They also joined in on the hugging program. That night everyone fell asleep in the common room.

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