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It was dawn time

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It was dawn time. The convertion of slightly pinkish sky was proceeding towards reddish sky confirming the arrival of morning nearer each moment. Chirping sounds of birds were initiating the beginning by inculcating soothing spirit.

In brothers' chamber:

Dau was in his peaceful sleep. Kanha was shaking him with carefulness of not causing noise. Because Gudiya was also sleeping by his side. At last Kanha took a flower from vase and rubbed that near nose of dau. He was about to sneeze. But Kanha put his hand near his nose and signalled him through his glances towards Gudiya. Then he took him away from bed hurriedly.

Dau: What's this Kanha? Why made me awake?

Kanha: Dau! I always make all awake. So that they can make choice with consciousness.

Dau: But for making which choice by me you made me awake? You have already decided our deed.

Kanha: Without our doing how can that deed be accomplished dau?

Dau: Ok. Let's leave now. But Gudiya?

Kanha: I have told mata Devaki. You don't be worried.

Then both brothers left after taking glance towards Gudiya to have an ensure look of her safeguard.

After returning both brothers remain engaged. In between tight schedule also brothers were fulfilling their duties towards Gudiya.

But with their doings she was feeling their hurriedness rather than calm attention. So both brothers were earning only glares from her. They were also on their trials to distract her. Though that was not much successful still the stubbornness of Gudiya wasn't outbrusted for that.

At night time:

Dau: Kanha! Still work isn't complete. It's the first time that our decided plan hasn't executed properly.

Kanha: Don't lose your calm dau.

Dau: Tonight i can't be with you and Gudiya during night stroll

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Dau: Tonight i can't be with you and Gudiya during night stroll. I know you can take care of Gudiya well. I need to wrap up the rest of works.

Kanha: Dau! This time you handed me the tough task and kept the easy one for you.

Dau: Is it really Kanha? But why am I feeling like that what i did that has happened with me and has been repeating with me till now?

Kanha: I know the indirect reference of your saying dau.

Dau: So what Kanha? You want me to alter the tasks. If yes then i don't have any objections. But if you would be there with Gudiya then she won't feel my absence that much. You can compensate her with your carefree and cheerful nature. But if i would be with her then there's chances of initiation of her stubbornness. Then we both need to come to you. After that the proper framework won't be ready for tomorrow. Do you want this? Say? Say na? If you want this then

Kanha: Ok dau. Ok you be here and i would be with Gudiya.

Kanha sighed defeatedly after dau's uninterrupted saying and Kanha's departure resulted a victorious smile on dau's face.

So readers, here's the next part

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So readers, here's the next part.

Give response according to your heart and conscience.

Hey, LAXMIPATI SHRI NARAYAN! Please accept the positivity of my this work as an offering to you in name of all wellbeing of my LIFELINE.


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