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Days were passing happily

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Days were passing happily. Brothers were pampering their Gudiya, and weren't letting anyone come in between them. Once dau had gone outside from two days because of some administrative matters. Kanha was taking care of Gudiya.

In chamber Kanha and Gudiya were there. Gudiya was laying on bed, and Kanha was settling his ornaments by observing himself in mirror. Gudiya was noticing this from a long time, and she became irritated due to not getting attention. As a baby she can't do anything except crying. So, she started crying. Kanha looked at her from dressing table.

"Why are you crying, Gudiya? I know you don't have any problem. You are trying to get attention," Hearing this she increased the pitch of her crying.

Kanha ran to her, and started swinging her in his arms. She started giggling on Kanha's expression.

"You know Gudiya, God doesn't come for any fake emotions. But you made me to come near you by your fake crying. You are just impossible," Gudiya gave a proud smile like she was praised by the best words.

"But Gudiya, I love you so much. Do you feel good by troubling me?" She returned a mischievous smile. Kanha understood the meaning of this smile.

"You want to say we can give sweet trouble to our loved ones, and it's your fair right," She nodded at him innocently, but giggled instantly.

"Dau also loves you. Then won't you reciprocate his love in your unique style?" Again she gave a mischievous smile. Just then dau entered there, and heard everything said by Kanha.

"Kanha, don't provoke her to do any mischief," Dau's alarming mode got activated.

"Dau, you took me wrong. I was saying her to be unique in reciprocation of love. That's it," Kanha tried to swipe his action off though that wasn't so easy to work for dau.

"Don't try to trap me in your words. It won't work on me. I know it's actual meaning very well," Dau's most expected statement made Kanha pout to look innocent.

"My dau don't believe me! Why this cruel and painful moment came in my life?" Kanha's dramatic crying followed by Gudiya.

At that time Rohini was passing from there. Hearing chaos she came there, and saw Kanha and Gudiya's dramatic crying. When she asked Kanha told her all the happenings in his own way. She scolded dau. He wanted to defend himself, but she didn't allow him to say.

"Bal, why you made your younger siblings cry? Now your punishment is you won't get any ladoos for today. I will give your share to Kanha," Before dau could say anything she went from there.

"Kanha, I returned after two days, and you welcomed me in this way," Disappointment was evident on his face.

"This is my unique style of love for making you feel special from others," Kanha blinked eyes innocently which only got a sigh from dau.

"Anyways I know all your dramas," Dau took Gudiya in his arms with a sad expression towards her.

"Gudiya, why you cried?" He looked at her in wait of her response.

"In order to fulfill her duties," Kanha replied almost being near to dau's ear.

"Which duty?" Dau asked with a sulky look.

"To share the feelings of her brother. I got hurt by your words. So, she also shared my pain," Kanha wiped his fake tears after explanation.

"Is it so? Then what about my punishment?" Demanding tone of dau made Kanha took his steps back to be at a safe distance from dau.

"She will share it also along with you by not having ladoos," After being at safe distance Kanha shook his head playfully while saying this.

"Good, Gudiya. You joined Kanha in his fake crying. But you will share my punishment without putting your action into it. Because you don't have teeth. So, youcan't have ladoos. It's just like sharing that too without having," Both Kanha and Gudiya giggled hearing this.

At last dau too joined them as except their happiness nothing was valuable for the most affectionate brother of that era, dau.

So readers, here's the next part

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So readers, here's the next part.

Now questions.

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LAXMIPATI SHRI NARAYAN, please accept the positivity of my this work as an offering to you in name of all wellbeing of my LIFELINE.


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