E P I L O G U E.

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Y/n Pov.

Fifteen Years Later.

Y/n: "Kids, come on, we have to hurry up!" I sighed trying to get them out of the car.

"Rachel slapped me!" Mason whined getting out of the car.

"No one asked him to be so whiny!" She argued making Khai come out and sigh looking at her younger siblings.

"Was I this annoying at their age?" I laughed straightening out my tie.

Y/n: "You were an angel, but not all kids can be like you." She hummed walking up to them.

"You two! Stop it!" I chuckled watching them shut up instantly, "We're late, let's get going before mom gets worried." They silently followed behind her.

Y/n: "You're so much like your mother, it scares me." I chuckled walking behind the twins so they don't wander off.

"Mom said the twins are like you." I clicked my tongue and rolled my eyes.

Y/n: "That just points out that I was cute and still am," The twins grinned and stuck their tongue out at Khai.

Fifteen years later and a lot has happened. Gigi and I have twins, Rachel and Mason who were now seven and Khai just turned seventeen a month back. 

Y/n: "Remember what I told you, behave yourself tonight. This is a big night for mommy and if I catch anyone misbehaving, you're grounded." I warned making the twins pout.

"I thought you loved me," I chuckled and rolled my eyes and Mason.

Y/n: "I do love you but I can't encourage you when you're wrong." I heard the elevator ding and walked out once the doors opened. 

I looked around the room and spotted Gigi talking with the girls. I patted Mason's shoulder and pointed towards his mother. He grinned and started running towards her.

"Mommy!" He yelled making Gigi get down to his level and open her arms out.

Gigi: "Hey baby, look at you in your little suit." She awed fixing his bow tie.

"Hi mommy," Rachel smiled kissing her mother and hugging her tightly.

Gigi: "Hey princess and my big baby," She smiled kissing Rachel on her head and Khai. "Hello to my other big baby," I pouted and kissed her, "I thought I wouldn't see you guys tonight." She joked.

Y/n: "Mhm, the twins gave me a hard time to wake up and Khai had a makeup emergency." I shook my head seeing my teenage daughter roll her eyes.

"It looked horrible, mom! I wasn't going to walk out like that." I heard our friends all laugh.

Kendall: "I remember when you were two," She sighed kissing her head.

Y/n: "Me too, I miss it." I joked hearing Khai gasp and shove me.

"I'm not that bad!" She defended making us all eye her.

"Sure," We all answered with the twins adding a bit more sass into it.

Gigi: "It's okay, but you all know the drill." She said standing up and fixing her dress, I eyed her and smirked.

Bella: "It feels like yesterday when Y/n checked you out for the first time..." She said making me snort.

Hailey: "Still looks at her the same," Gigi blushed and waved everyone off.

Gigi: "We have to mingle, kids there's some food laid out so you can eat-"

"Come on, I'm starving!" Khai quickly took the twins and rushed to the dining area.

Abel: "That's Y/n's kids." I hummed and wrapped one arm around Gigi's waist and went to speak to some people.

We spent the rest of the evening mingling with some guests and once everyone left, we settled down outside near the fireplace with our friends and their kids.

Gigi: "Thanks for letting me use your place, I appreciate it." I smiled and kissed her.

Y/n: "What's the point of owning a hotel when I can't let my wife use it when she needs it." She giggled and pecked my lips.

Fai: "How many hotels have you opened up now?" I sighed thinking.

Y/n: "I'm opening another one in two months so that will be four and I opened another office in Korea so I have eight offices in total." I said making them all nod.

Kylie: "Gigi really snatched herself a billionaire." I chuckled.

Y/n: "My wife is pretty big herself, I mean she just finished fashion week which was a success, she released three cookbooks, appeared on multiple cooking shows, and is one of the biggest designers for 'Tommy Hilfiger' and more. We're both successful." I smiled pecking her lips.

I watched the kids all run around while Khai sat down with the girls talking to them and sighed. I felt Gigi kiss my head drawing my attention.

Gigi: "Hey, you okay?" I nodded and smiled at her.

Y/n: "I am, I'm just really happy." She smiled and kissed me longer this time.

Gigi: "We did it, baby." I pecked her lips and pulled away with a content sigh leaving my lips.

Y/n: "Yes we did, we got everything we wanted and we still have forever to go."

The End.


Hello everyone! 🥰

This is officially the end of The Billionaire and I just want to thank everyone who read, voted, and commented on this book. I've never enjoyed writing a book more and it's been a rollercoaster for this one. I hope you're all happy with the outcome and sadly, there won't be a sequel to it. I wouldn't want to drag this story out when I have so much in store for you all. 

Once again, thank you for all your support and take care. 

I love you all and take care 💕

Any questions y'all would like to ask? I'll answer them as soon as I can 🥰

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