"Who knew creatures with nothing else to do could take so long," Tyler adds.

Lilly snorts. "They've never been the most punctual, let's be honest here."

"True," Andy adds softly.

Their frustrations push toward me, and I say, "Don't they want to pretend to kick some witch ass? Like, I'd've thought they'd jump at that chance."

Tyler laughs. "They're so cute for thinking they could beat us."

"Even Tyler could win against most of them," Eliza mutters.

"Hey!" Tyler exclaims. "What's that supposed to mean?" He already knows he's the weakest, and that's why he's grinning as Eliza rolls her eyes at him. He doesn't take our cracks about his powers too seriously—it's something I liked about him for a while. Even now, as he flashes me his smile, I can understand why I thought I might like him.

I don't, but I see the attraction still. He'll find someone and she'll be good for him, it might just take a while. As we're all mature, we have eternity to find someone, after all.

"Fucking finally!" Eliza screams, startling both Tyler and Andy from their sandcastle-building. We all look up at the group of approaching vampires, who walk at a human pace despite already being forty-five minutes late. "Listen, fellas, I get you're literally dead, but can you speed it up next time?"

"Eliza," Kevin Langue replies with a cheerful smile, "we had a group to deal with. All that matters is that we're here, no?"


"Yes," I cut Eliza off, and she glares at me. But I pay her no mind as I look at the vampires. "Although, do hurry your asses up next time."

"You got it," Jake Webber tells me.

I nod but say no more, joining our line of formation on one side of the beach. I have Tyler to my right and Eliza to my left, one weak and one strong, and quickly imagine what it'd be like to fight with so many vampires. The thought lights a fire in me, igniting my abilities through my palms. I know Eliza can feel the sudden rush of energy, and she glances at me before calling out groups, each one with a witch leader.

She happens to put me with Colby, Corey, and Jake—two of which are a little too fond of fucking around for my liking. I have a feeling, as we all separate in our groups, that Colby and I are going to have to keep control of them this whole time just so we can get stuff done.

We're gonna be like damn parents.

Eliza, who acts in charge in these situations, sets everyone off, and I take lead as the witch of my group. I suggest what we should do, how they need to behave, and that, due to special circumstances, the only thing off limits for us is faces.

First, we don't use any abilities whatsoever. No speed or powers, just brute force and reflexes as we fight one another. The goal is to get somebody down to the floor, it doesn't matter how it's done or what's used—including the spectators if they're willing to help one of you out. Fortunately for me and not Jake, Corey was all too keen to aid me during one of our spars, and together we pinned Jake into the sand. He complained about the grains getting everywhere, but I'm already well aware of the perverted nature of this sand and where it has made its way already. I'll be finding it in places next week, and the days that follow for probably a month.

Whether Colby holds back on me or not, we tend to be fairly evenly matched. The slight tension between us from what happened the other night doesn't help that we each hesitate when it comes to attacking the other, but when we finally get into the fight, there's no telling who might win.

Vampires Rule // Colby BrockWhere stories live. Discover now