Ignoring me, huh!

I looked for something around me and found a tiny marble. I took and aimed my shot a her. It actually worked to hit her on her head, she hissed. Rubbing that crimson spot she glared at me with fury. Clenching her jaw she took off her earpods.

"What is wrong with you? "

"Me? What is wrong with you? Ever since the last two hours you are sitting there like a statue. "

"Do you expect me to talk a stranger who I met just some hour ago?! "



In confused as she tilted her head, bewildered along with frowned eyebrows.

" I am called Jeon Jungkook. What's your? "

"None of your business,"she scoffed rolling her eyes.

" Nice name! 'None of your business'," I said in teasing tone.

When she heard what I said she shot her eyes back on me, mouth ready to spit abuse but I saw her inhaling deeply while clenching her fists. She exhaled and looked at me, in annoyance.

" Kim Soyoung... And now if you are satisfied then leave me alone, " She exclaimed.

But annoying her was fun at least it was better staring the road behind till infinity. I faked a cough to again gain her attention.

" Why those men were following you? "

I sensed her stiffing, eyeballs wandering everywhere except me. After a quite minute of silence she spoke bitterly.

"Did I asked you why police was after you? No,right?! Then stop asking ridiculous questions!"

"Ouch! That hurts!" I said sarcastically and rolled my eyes over her.

Again we became quite, which the night took advantage of, through the whole travel we were able to hear swift winds blowing while few crickets in the truck were singing their Carol.

The truck stopped at a construction site away from Seoul, in a countryside. We jumped down to land on muddy soil, heading out of the busy place where no one cared if our faces were new to them.

She walked ahead with her earphones plugged in and I followed. I had no where to go and it was quite a night of darkness, if Suga hyung would be here then he would have already guessed the location and found out a hotel for us to stay but too bad I was on my own now. When she was keeping the antiseptic back innher bag I saw some money peeking out, she might help me share a room I thought.

She was so confident in her steps to even notice me wobbling but suddenly she paused in her motion and turned around, looking at me with a raised eyebrow.

"W-What? I am on my own way, okay! "

"I didn't say anything, you could go ahead boy."

" No! Who knows you might follow me, a person so handsome as me. "

"Huh! Stop being delusional, muscle pig. Not even in my dreams I would follow you! If you would tell me your direction then I would go the opposite way, that's it! "

"Oh so you can't control yourself when I am around? Am I that sexy? "

I smirked arching the eyebrows while she scoffed at my sentence.

"Fine! Go to hell Mr. Sexy, I don't care!"

She raised her middle finger at me and moved on the path leading the the bus stop that came to our view at a distance of eight hundred metres or so. That micro-sized was gradually becoming bigger as we moved closer. The night passing by was chilling while she walked even I practically saw her shivering and rubbing her palms to increase friction in hope of heat.

We sat down on the bench on the opposite ends under the street light. I saw her taking out a chocolate bar and munching on it. Just the fact that it was mint chocolate didn't did good to my hunger. I gulped down the lump of saliva formed but my stomach betrayed.

It growled loud, enough that she turned her head to me with her eyes widened.

I knew I shouldn't had stared at that bar constantly but what could I do, all I ate was chicken before I went to rob the bank. I thought about looking stupid in front of her, a puppy pleading for the food she was holding.

I lowered my gaze in embarrassment and started drawing circle on the floor with the shoes. Then I got surprised when she pushed another chocolate bar with a bottle of banana milk towards me.

My lips curved up in amusement when I saw my favorite snack on the bench while she looked towards the opposite side to avoid my eyes. Even if it was not enough to put off my hunger but it was enough to not me from starving tonight.

"Thank you," I genuinely thanked her as it was the right thing to do that time.

After few minutes I was getting impatient of sitting with no life around so I queried her.

"Are you sure a bus would arrive? It's seriously two o'clock in the night!"

She sighed and looked at me with her 'shut the heck up' face. Pointing towards a metal board she asked me to look at that.

I went closer, indeed it shown a bus scheduled at 2:10 am. I looked at her amazed with her brain. Her IQ really matched with Namjoon hyung. I was admiring her intelligence when a honk was heard.

I turned around and saw a red bus approaching us. It stopped right front of us, with Soyoung passing by me to climb in while I took no less second to do the same.

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