Restoring Order

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The three took turns swinging, blocking, and punching at each other. Jeha ends up getting a slice on both of their arms. But the gas was making him dizzy. His chest was tight as his oxygen was starting to leave.

The one assailant kicked Jeha in his chest causing him to fall unconscious. Avianna watched the scene in horror. She looked to the left of her and there was a fire extinguisher in the crawl space.

She grabbed it and hopped down into the scene. The assailants were about to finish Jeha off. She comes up behind the both of them and with all her strength she hits one in the head and the other in his chest.

The gas affected her almost immediately. "GET UP! GET UP, JEHA!" She coughed as she ran away. The man she hit in the chest didn't go unconscious like the other.

She ran into the parking lot and hid behind a pillar. Her chest was on fire. Using all her might she was trying to hold in her cough. She knew that the last assailant was less than 20 feet from her. And at the worst timing she coughed.

She was immediately yanked by her hair and was being dragged by the masked man. She was screaming for help, for Jeha, for anyone. The man pulled a knife to her throat and she knew that she was done for. She closed her eyes and accepted her fate.

Until the grip on her hair was released and her ears heard a thud behind her. She turned around and saw a pained Jeha holding himself up against the wall. His body slumped and slid down.

She crawled towards him. "Jeha. Oh my god." She took the mask off of the masked man and put it on Jeha. And in mere seconds she fell over unconscious.

People were chanting outside of the investigation building to release Jang Sejoon. He felt that his case wasn't a big deal and that he was going home today.

"Should I get ready to go out?" Sejoon says confidently to the prosecutor.

"Hmm, let me go make an official statement. Wait here." The prosecutor smiled professionally.

Time went on and nothing happened. He pulled on his collar. He was starting to get nervous.

The prosecutor walks out. The reporters and fans swarm up to him. Wanting to get his answer on the ongoing investigation. Madam Choi and Dong Mi are in the crowd awaiting an answer.

"Assemblyman Jang, who was scheduled to be released today, is suspected of committing a crime after further investigation. Therefore his release has been cancelled. That's all."

Both Madam Choi and Sejoon were sure that the prosecutor was in their pocket. They knew that he was going to release Sejoon. So it was more than shocking when he didn't. It felt like Madam Choi was running out of cards to play. And everything she worked so hard for was falling apart right before her eyes.

"Sir, we'll have to move you back into the main investigation room." Sexton's fist shook in anger.


Miran and Sung Gyu found Jeha and Avianna. They got them help and everyone was in the dressing room waiting for the next move.

"Damn it." Jeha cursed out as he threw a water bottle. "Move her back to the safe house." He says.

"What?" Sungwon says.

"She'll be safer there and JSS agents can't attack other JSS agents."

"Alright. Let's do that. I'll send my security team." Sungwon said with urgency.

"Go." Jeha motions for Sung Gyu to move. Everyone including Avianna gets up and leave. Once everyone is gone, he immediately calls Chief Joo. Who is walking with Madam Choi, Dong Mi, and President Guk to Cloud Nine?

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