"Anna." Madam Choi said in a warning.

"Oh my, not like that." Madam Choi wasn't the only one who could act.

"Well, what do you mean?"

"If my mother did commit suicide. I didn't know why she did it. She wasn't obsessed with her popularity at the time and faced no financial difficulties either. She'd even gotten a passport made for me right before she died. On that day, Mom and I booked plane tickets to America. But then..... mom died..... while leaving no will behind."

Madam Choi closed her eyes and took deep breaths.

"I want to know what she was doing on the day that she died or the days leading up to it. If anyone has any information please don't hesitate to contact me."


Avianna and Jeha were walking quickly into the dressing room. He grabbed her arm. She could tell that he was upset at her. Even more than upset.

"Anna, what were you thinking? How could you appear in front of the very people desperate to catch you."

She looked forward not making eye contact with her. Sungwon walked in.

"Did you do this? Did you make her go on the show?" Jeha presses Sungwon.

"I wanted to go on it." Jeha's head snaps toward hers. "I wanted to rip Choi Yoo Jin's mask clean off. If only uncle hadn't held me back." Her expression was cold. It was unwavering. Her eyes held hatred in her heart for that woman.

Sungwon patted Jeha on the back and left. Jeha ripped his earpiece out. "Avianna. Why are you doing this? Huh?"

"I want revenge." A tear slips down her face. "Everything that she has taken from me Jeha. I want her to suffer. I want her to hurt. I want the truth. My life has been hell because of her and my father. And I'm tired" she sighs "I'm so tired of being treated like a child. I'm tired of being everyone else's pawn."

She walks up to Jeha and lays her head on his shoulder. "It's time for everyone to play my game. I can't trust my uncle as far as I can throw him. But I can use him. And Jeha." She bit her lip before looking him in the eyes. "You'll protect me. You'll set me free."

She breaks away and hands him the files of her mother's death. He takes it and starts to look through it. "My mother didn't die peacefully because of sleeping pills. While she was dying she was in so much pain and agony that she clenched her hands so hard that her fingers broke off."

Jeha looks at her. Madam Choi's words ring through his head. "A wolf isn't evil just because it devours sheep. Wolves are meant to eat sheep. Furthermore... the children of wolves become wolves themselves. Anna is no exception. She isn't the child of a sheep."

Jeha nods his head at Avianna.


Madam Choi stumbles into her dressing room on shaky legs. Her whole body was shaking with anger. It seeped through her pores. She picked up a nearby perfume bottle and chucked it at the mirror.

"AHHHH!" She turns to Dong Mi. "You were right. I should've killed her. I should've gotten rid of her." Dong Mi's soul was lit ablaze those were the words she's always wanted to hear. That she was right.

After calming herself, Madam Choi fixes herself up because her husband is being released today. Before Dong Mi could bring her a fresh cup of coffee. She catches her arm.

"We should leave Kim Jeha alone. We'll have use for him another time. Plus, the email." There has been a constant toss-up of Dong Mi wanting to get rid of Jeha and Yoojin wanting to keep him alive.

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