"Awe, I appreciate you care so much, Bubbles," Tony says with a hint of sarcasm.

"Tony, I think I know what just happened back at the restaurant. You have all the signs of PTSD. Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. Trouble sleeping, panic attack, staying awake all night. Why did you keep this to yourself?"

"Great, so now you know, just like Pepper. There wouldn't happen to be any cure for this, right, Dr. Rivers?"

"No. I think you have to get through this on your own. And I'm not exactly a doctor. Just know I'm here if you need someone to talk to," I offer in a gentler tone.

"You kinda are, what with your mystical healing powers, and glowy white hands. Thanks, Seaweed Brain. Listen, if you got any info on the Mandarin, send it through," Tony says.

"Tony, please! Don't go through with this! This is suicide!" I try pleading him.

"This is exactly what happened when The Lightning Man attacked you way back when. I got so angry seeing you like that. I can't afford to go through the same thing again," Tony says, surprising me as I pause my pacing, blinking my crystal blue eyes.

"You were that angry?"

"So much so I nearly did this exact same thing. But I couldn't put your parents in that kind of danger. I have to do this. Don't worry about me, Blondie, I'll be fine! I know what I'm doing," Tony says before hanging up.

"No, No—Tony!!" I try screaming into the phone, but it was too late; he'd already hung up. I stare at my phone screen in numbed shock, wondering what the fuck just happened tonight,

I dump myself back on the couch and groan into my hands, mentally cursing the Stark for his stupidity.

Heaving a huge sigh of exasperation, I decide to go to bed, Scarlett curled up beside me.


The next morning, after breakfast, Bloom and Leo come over and I am riding Glimmer, practicing for the Melbourne Olympics happening this May.

The next morning, after breakfast, Bloom and Leo come over and I am riding Glimmer, practicing for the Melbourne Olympics happening this May

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Leo perches on the white fence while Bloom sits on a crate, Sarah and Ben with her.

I'm wearing a shirt sleeved pink polo shirt with the collar folded down and a front pocket, and a pair of white jodhpurs, tall black boots and my helmet with my pink riding gloves, my long blonde hair in a ponytail.

I'm wearing a shirt sleeved pink polo shirt with the collar folded down and a front pocket, and a pair of white jodhpurs, tall black boots and my helmet with my pink riding gloves, my long blonde hair in a ponytail

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