021; we can just sneak around

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third person.

the next morning, with everyone sat around the table just past eleven enjoying a large breakfast that jack and nicole had cooked, their was a more awkward tension in the air than there had been the past week.

corbyn had sat himself on the opposite side of the table to harper, picking at the food on his plate whilst patiently waiting for mollie wake up and come downstairs so he could have someone to talk to.

"so," harper spoke up, "what did everyone want to do today?"

"uh, we should really be packing for our flight." jack replied, the rest of them nodding in agreement as she looked at them confused.

"i thought you guys don't leave for another four days." she said.

"we got some earlier flights for multiple reasons," nicole explained, "mollie's brother just had a baby, char and zach need to talk things out, i have college and so on.. we need to get back."

"i didn't know about this," corbyn glanced up from his plate as the went quiet once again, "...am i not going back with everyone else?"

"we didn't get you a ticket because we thought you'd want to be with harper." jonah shrugged.

"..when did you book this flight."

"i booked it a few hours ago." nicole said, "whilst everyone was asleep."

"thanks for informing me." corbyn rolled his eyes, a frustrated tone in his voice before dropping his fork onto his plate and storming off upstairs.

"he's never been in that mood before." harper mumbled, tucking her hair behind her ears as she sighed, watching the group shrug.

as corbyn let out a huff once reaching the top of the stairs, he walked towards the room mollie had been staying in before opening the door, seeing the girl still fast asleep whilst under multiple blankets on her bed.

"mollie," corbyn called out, attempting to wake her up as he walked over to her, "molls."

"hm?" she replied with a mumble, keeping her eyes closed as corbyn sat on the edge of her bed.

"do you want to go on a drive?" he asked her, "just us?"

"i don't wanna get out of bed today," she shook her head as corbyn frowned, running his fingers through her hair while she kept her eyes shut.

"hangover or just having a bad mental day?"


"you leave later today," corbyn mentioned, "who is going to pack your suitcase for you?"

"nicole said she doesn't mind doing it." mollie replied, letting out a sigh as she felt the weight of the boy leave the bed before hearing her suitcase being shuffled around.

as she opened her eyes to look over at where her suitcase was previously placed, corbyn was now stood folding her clothes up one by one and placing them neatly into her suitcase, "corbyn."


"i said nic didn't mind."

"nic has her own one to do." he shrugged.

"so do you."

"i'm not going back tonight." the boy argued.

"oh." she paused, "you're staying with harper..?"

"apparently," corbyn sighed, "they didn't get me a ticket so i guess i am."

"i'm sure they'd still be some for the flight why don't you-"

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