007; a sarcastic comment

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third person.

after an eventful date night at the mexican restaurant downtown, harper and corbyn came back to his house close to midnight and whilst the boy was already sat on his bed scrolling through his instagram, harper had been in his bathroom removing her makeup from the day.

and whilst harper was originally due to go back to la in three days, it had been changed last minute to tomorrow morning with a last minute meeting being arranged, so the couple had tried to make the most of their last evening before her flight back.

"you sure you don't want to come back with me?" harper asked him, walking back into his bedroom and throwing her skincare bag into her suitcase, "we can go see my family."

"your family don't like me," corbyn looked up at her as she sighed before sitting at the end of his bed.

"they do like you, they just don't agree with some of your values," harper shrugged as corbyn raised his eyebrows, "you're the one who told them you go to parties every weekend."

"i wasn't going to lie to your dad," he said through a small laugh, "and your mom just hates that i use my phone while driving."

"because that's against the law and you can crash." she told him, "a very valid reason to disliking it."

"what if you had an emergency and i was driving?"

"then you'd see it when you arrived at your destination."

"what if it was a five hour drive?"

"corbyn," she tilted her head, "just take my advice."

"i have a habit built up now though, i can't break it." corbyn shrugged as he frowned, placing his phone down before harper shook her head.

"i'll help you break it." she gave him a small smile.

"it won't work." he told her, watching the girl roll her eyes before moving herself next to where he was sat.

"are you always this stubborn?" harper asked, placing a small kiss on the boys cheek as he gave her a nod, "really?"

"yeah," corbyn looked at her as he smiled, "are you always this annoying?"

"you think i'm annoying?"

"it was a joke." he frowned slightly, noticing a confused look on her face, "a sarcastic comment."

"alright," harper laughed slightly, a smile on her face before she placed a kiss onto the boy's lips.

as soon as corbyn returned the kiss, it was quickly deepened as harper gently pushed the boy onto his back before she straddled his waist and cupped his face, whilst the boy was unsure of where to place his hands.

after a couple minutes had passed and corbyn had eventually rested his hands onto the girl's waist, one of harper's hands trailed down to the waistband of the boy's sweatpants before he suddenly grabbed that hand and pulled away from the kiss with a small frown on his face.

"are you okay?" harper asked him.

"yeah, yeah it just took me by surprise a little." he nodded while laughing nervously.

harper returned the nod before their lips met once again, and after another few minutes her hand moved down corbyn's body a second time and had slipped underneath the waistband of his sweatpants.

the girl's hand only got so far into his sweatpants before corbyn pulled it away from him once more, which had caused harper to pull away from their kiss with a confused expression appearing on her face.

"do you not want to?"

"maybe this is just a bad idea with my mom home and everything," he suggested, receiving a slow and subtle nod from his girlfriend before she removed herself from being sat on top of the boy, "it's not that i don't want to it's just i-"

"you don't have to be weird about it it's okay." she interrupted him, watching corbyn stand up and glance around his room, "corbyn?"

"do you want a drink?" he asked her while grabbing his half empty glass.

"i'll just have some water." she replied, "thanks.."

"yeah," corbyn nodded, walking out of his room and down the stairs while letting out a sigh.

as he reached the kitchen island, he placed down his glass of water before running his hands through his hair and looking over at ashley, who was stood with an apple in her hand watching the boy.

"why are you pacing around the house?" she asked.

"because i can't... i'm not telling you that ew." he looked at her and shook his head, "but i can't- i don't-"

"okay," ashley nodded, "stop talking."

"oh my god," corbyn mumbled, sitting himself down at the kitchen island while ashley watched him do so.

"what's her name again?"


"your girlfriend."

"harper," he said.

"yeah, alright well i don't like her." ashley told him, "i don't know if i made that obvious but you guys have no chemistry."

"no one asked for what you think," corbyn frowned.

"why are you acting like you've just witnessed a murder?" ashley asked him, leaning against the counter, "what happened?"

"i'm not telling my sister that."

"did you cockblock her?" she laughed, noticing the glare he gave her before her laughter died out and she nodded, "that is kind of funny."

"it is not funny." corbyn rolled his eyes.

"kind of is."


"do you want me to tell her about all the walls you've punched and the guys you've fought?" she shrugged, "running from the cops and drunk driving? all your shitty decisions, should i tell her?"

"no because she-"

"because she thinks you're a perfect little innocent angel." ashley interrupted the boy, "i have your relationship figured out, you put on a front."

"i do not put on a front." corbyn argued, "i just don't show her the angry side of me."

"okay well i'm not arguing about this new girl of yours," she said, throwing the rest of her apple away before grabbing a bottle of water from the fridge.

"you're annoying." corbyn huffed, heading back up the stairs and towards his room before closing the door behind him, giving a small smile to the girl sat on his bed.

"did you forget the drinks?"

"oh." he paused, "..yeah, but it's okay we can just go without."

"okay," she slowly nodded, "i'm fine with that."

"cool," corbyn said, sitting back down beside her before sighing.


deja vu hitting bad rn for that boy poor guy

one last update before my break
i will see u all in about 2-3 weeks 🥳💘

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