008; the promise ring

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third person

after corbyn had dropped his girlfriend off at the airport and said his goodbye's to her for the next few weeks, he stopped by nicole's apartment to ask her for some advice, being overly confused with himself and what he wanted.

it didn't take long for him to get to the complex, and in no time he had already taken the elevator up to the floor and walked down the hall before he eventually opened the door to her place with his hand running through his hair.

as he opened his mouth to call out nicole's name, his whole body froze as he took notice of the girl sat in the middle of the living area with a paintbrush in her hand and a canvas on the floor, marks of paint on her face as she looked over at him.

"wasn't aware you had my address," she spoke up, rolling her eyes before looking back at her canvas.

"nic gave it to me," he replied, "do you know where she is..?"

"out with jack," mollie said, "so you can go now."

"but i just-"

"don't you have a girlfriend to talk to?" she asked, looking back over at him as a small frown grew on his face.

"you have a girlfriend too," corbyn shrugged, "don't get-"

"i don't have a girlfriend." the girl interrupted him, "i have someone i hook up with, no labels attached."

"right.." corbyn slowly nodded, "are you upset about the whole girlfriend thing?"

"no comment," she told him, staring at her canvas as she heard the door close with footsteps walking towards her, "..and let's invite ourselves inside, okay."

"i'm sorry," corbyn shrugged, "i just thought that once you came back you'd forget about us and move on."

she soon sighed, placing her paintbrush down before folding her arms and looking up at him, "you know you're an idiot, right?"

"fully aware." he nodded and smiled slightly.

"what's your girlfriend like then?" mollie asked him, watching him take a seat on the couch as he shrugged slightly.

"she's nice but doesn't really understand sarcasm that much," he said as mollie nodded, "what about your hook up?"

"well, she's something." mollie raised her eyebrows, "she's a bit of a softie and doesn't really like the whole idea of conflict which bugs me, but i like her and we get along."

"i get told to take deep breaths and that violence isn't the answer." corbyn said through a small laugh, noticing the confused stare on the girl's face, "she hates anyone being angry."

"she sounds fun," mollie mumbled, a sarcastic tone in her voice as corbyn nodded while slightly smiling, "must be great to have at parties."

"yep," he replied through a sigh, scratching the back of his neck before looking over at the canvas she had in front of her, "what are you painting?"

"just something that someone ordered," she shrugged as corbyn furrowed his eyebrows before tilting his head.

"ordered..? you got a business for it?"

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