30. The Talk

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Published on:
Sun, 27 Jun.
The year 2021

Previously on Curse Of Latido:

Yumi earthbent. Erwin found out that Levi lied about almost everything. Armin offered to make ointment for Historia's scars. He got a haircut after being called a lady by a girl. Eren noticed the continuous exchange of letters between Mikasa and Petra. The team discovered the lost lands of the air nomads.

Chapter 30|The Talk

"Did he know about you when he brought you here?" Hange asked, sitting in a chair across from Yumi's, whose small hands were fidgeting nervously on the table surface. Afraid of screwing up even more, not knowing whether it was better to lie or tell the truth.

"What are you going to do to him?" Yumi whispered, looking at the woman with teary eyes. She remembered seeing him being locked in a room similar to this one.

"He's fine, Yumi, don't worry."

And just hearing that, she puckered up her mouth to try to stop the tears from flowing but it was useless, she was already crying and breathing double.

"Why are you crying? Honey, I told you he was fine..." Hange tried to comfort her, rubbing her palm over her small arms.

"You're lying... !" She whined, lowering her gaze, "I can tell you're lying."

Hange fell silent, startled. Observing the little girl trying to get her breathing back in order. Well, they did handcuff him and lock him in a room for questioning. But it's not like anything will happen to him, since Erwin was questioning him personally. He had refused to have anyone stay in the room during the interrogations.

Hange reached for the girl's small hands and squeezed them in her large grip. "I promise he'll be fine. Am I still lying?"

Yumi looked at her through swollen eyes, her heart had somehow calmed now that she was telling the truth. But, how could she guarantee his safety? She didn't know...

"He knew about me. That day he was going to kill me, but he changed his mind and took me with him instead."

"Why didn't you fight back? I saw what you did on the field back there...with the metal wall...you could have taken him down, you know."

"I was scared. He had this white electricity that always came out of his aura..." She remembered the moment he grabbed her by her shirt and pulled her up from the ground. How his cold steel eyes and soulless stare had crept into her.

"What happened after he took you in?"
"He just... took care of me... brought me clothes, fed me and... he did my hair every time after bathing. He... he put me to bed and..." She struggled to speak with her tight throat.

Hange took a long breath before releasing it. She was confused, not knowing how to process the whole situation. It seemed like he really wanted to be her father. But, why does it have to be an enemy? What was he thinking when he decided to take her with him? Just, what was he thinking! "So, these earthbenders. Did you have anything to do with the surprise attack?"

Yumi shook her head.

"Did he ever ask you about your people?"

She shook her head again.

"Why did you save us? Why did you do it?" Hange asked, wiping the girl's face.

"I did it for him, not for you."
"You are aware that he is an enemy, right? When he met you in the woods, do you know that he killed many of your people back there?"

Yumi just kept quiet, tasting her tears as they settled on her quivering lips.

"Yumi, you're a smart kid. You know someday, when you're older...you might change your mind about him... you might want justice for your people..."

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