6. Just The Three Of Us

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Published on:
Sat, 13 Feb.
The year 2021

Chapter 6|Just The Three Of Us

"Oi, where you going?"

She winced, "I'm leaving," took off her scarf and stretched her arm towards him, "Here."

He stared at the red scarf, confused, "What are you talking about?"
"I don't feel like I should stay. You already have a low income because of me... I just feel like I'm a burden ..."

He tugged on her sleeves, "Shut up and get inside. Come on, it's cold!"

Mikasa yanked her hand away. "I'm going already, Eren."

He snapped, "Don't be stupid! Look around, where will you go?"

Her eyes roamed over the wet grass. A soft breeze blew over them. "I don't know. But-" "Mikasa, you're not a burden, you're family now. And if Mom ever finds out about your leaving, she won't be happy about it. No one would be happy."

"But I don't think it's a good idea for me to stay. I'm a stranger, after all."

He rolled his eyes, his lips curving into a genuine smile as he wrapped the scarf around her neck. "Not anymore, we shared a bed, remember?" Her eyes sparkled at his green ones before she turned around to leave as he grabbed her by the wrist, "Please,"

He frowned, "I don't want you to go."


Move! Why isn't she moving! She has to go now!

"What are you kids doing out there?" They both jumped up. Eren hid Mikasa behind his back, hiding her bag from his father's sight. "N-nothing, Dad. Mikasa lost her bird and we were just looking fo-" Pico fluttered his wings before him and landed on Eren's head. "Um, there he is, we found him."

"So, in you go. You two, go to sleep! You've got school tomorrow. And you, Mikasa, you're joining next week, I already signed you up this afternoon."

She nodded. "Well, don't just stand there, get in!" "Okay, Dad!" Eren looked pleadingly into Mikasa's eyes for her to go back inside. His body was already tensing from the cold air. He ran his hand down her arm, grabbed her palm, and intertwined their fingers. Without taking his eyes off her, he pulled her toward the door where her legs moved along, only then did a sigh of relief escape his lungs.


"Wait until you see his room, it's like a big library! Books everywhere!" He gestured with his hands in the air as they walked down the street. Pink trees stood upright out of the grass, hugging their course. Their pink blossoms gracefully swayed with a gentle breeze. Leaves glistening from the morning dew. "We often build a castle with these books. Oh, you'll love the castle game. At least now we have a queen for the castle. Mikasa, you're a perfect addition to the game!"

Mikasa blushed as she watched him talk. He had just called her a queen. She glanced away at the trees, admiring the view before her eyes, like a newborn child discovering its surroundings. The path was a bit in the shadow caused by the tall branches on either side of it.

The sun must be glowing behind it. she thought as she looked up, golden light seeping through the intertwined branches of the trees. Eren noticed her silence, he looked at her as he saw her absorbed by her surroundings. Looking around, he didn't find it particularly amusing, it looked pretty normal to him. Of course, he sees it every day.

"Don't you think I should get him something?" "Huh?" Her voice drew his attention back. "You didn't tell me we were going to his place. I could have gotten him something."

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