23. Forest Maze

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Published on:
Sat, 15 May.
The year 2021

Chapter 23|Forest Maze

That bastard will stab Jean if he ever gets to this point, and stab me with him this means that I have only one option left.

Jean was two feet away from where Eren was. He looked up when a spark of fire shot out of Eren's leg and ripped through the rope. Jean gasped along with the rest of the soldiers as they watched Eren dive towards the thorny plants.

Mikasa and Armin ran towards him, while Jean froze in place and clung tighter to the tree branches. That suicidal jerk!

The intensely fine prickling of needles pierced the flesh of Eren's back. He squeezed his eyes shut at the sudden burst of pain, but immediately spun them apart to see the man leap down and chop another rope through the same tree.

Flares shot into the air and tore it apart with a shrill roar. Everyone stared at the sky with half-open mouths. damn! Eren forced himself to stand up, his back pulled on some thorns that stabbed deep into his flesh.

He crawled with his hands, picking at the painful daggers as hard as he could stand until he reached the bare ground.

Mikasa stormed towards him and knelt down to grab his arm. "Back off! Don't touch me!" He shouted at her with a serious look, "I can stand myself. They're not that painful, nothing I can't handle." He said as he struggled to stand on his feet.

Armin watched as the man wriggled further into the forest. The ground beneath their feet began to shake. It burst open and about ten earthbenders dived out of the ground.

Corporal Zis looked at them before drawing his sword and shouting with all his voice, only for the soldiers to shout with him, draw their swords and march towards their enemy.

Jean frowned, the hell with those swords! They already knew they were here and sent a signal for more backups. He jumped out of the tree with blazing fire spraying from his arms.

Eren shot with all his strength, trying to ignore the tingling pain that coursed down his entire back, thighs and arms. It was so intense that his head pulsed and heat radiated from his limbs. Fuck that! Let's see how they can escape the fire when it engulfs them from all sides. He aimed at the thin branches of the trees, but the flames only grew larger and spread further.

His eyes suddenly searched for Mikasa, panic sweeping over him like molten bricks. Where is she?! The faces of strangers appeared before his eyes as he spun on his feet. Where is she?! Mikasa hates fire! She could.... But there she was, bravely standing her ground, slashing through the air with her swords, catching any soul who dared to approach her.

The stone blocks shattered towards them as the earthbenders backed away, their feet luring themselves towards the trap, until the time was right! The perfect angle to bring the cage down on them.

Armin glanced at the burning trees towards where Riener was supposed to be. Reiner?! His eyes searched the trees for him.

An aura of orange flames surrounded them on all sides. The leaves of the trees withering and shrinking, barks consumed by fire, and the sounds of splintering and crackling echoed everywhere. Anxiety overtook Armin at the mere thought that the plan would fail... that it was failing... No, it did fail. "Riener!" he shrieked, though his voice was the slightest bit audible among the screams and shrieks of the soldiers.

On the other side of the forest. Connie laid Captain Lucia's cold body on the wooden floor of their little cabin. Sasha grabbed a clean rag from the closets and covered her face. "Now what?" She sat down next to her captain.

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