I groan, panting as we gaze around, "Incoming already came in. You really need to work on your freaking timing. It's terrible, you know?" I add as I roll off Cap and lean against the car, "Tony, you need to find a way to bring the city back down to safety."

Cap finishes for me as he, too, gets off the hood, "The rest of us have one job: tear these things apart. You get hurt, hurt 'em back. If you get killed, walk it off."

"Basically saying, just try not to die," I mutter.

"Noted," Tony says before we disconnect.

What he said though makes me remember Pietro's bully wound, and I have to push that thought aside for now.

Iron Legions come at Cap and I from everywhere. He fights them off with his shield and dodges attacks, while I create octopus tentacles and throw enemies away or into each other and over the edge.

I even freeze robots every once in awhile.

As Cap and I are fighting, we see a car about to go over, and there was someone inside.

Cap grabs the back of the car, groaning.

"I'm gonna make an ice bridge!" I tell him.

"Whatever you're gonna do, do it now!" He shouts back.

"Aye, aye, Captain!"

My eyes turn white and I stomp my right foot on the ground, before pushing my hands outward. An incredibly thick bridge of ice spreads out from the concrete, lifting the car back up to level.

"Get out of the car, now!" I order, ripping the door open as Cap lets go of the vehicle.

Cap hits an incoming robot with his shield, instantly taking it out.

The red haired woman nods as she throws herself out and makes a run off the bridge.

"You can't save them all!" Ultron mocks us as an Iron Legion approaches. I bash it with a torrent of water. "You'd never—"

Then I latch a tent around it and send the robot sailing over the bridge.

"We'd never what?! You didn't finish!" Cap shouts after the robot.

"Adios, Metal Head!!" I shout after it. "How rude. It didn't even stay to say goodbye!!"

Thor jumps down near us and Cap and I fall into step beside him, as Cap asks, "What? Were you napping?"

Iron Legions fire at us and we flip and dodge them. I create a protective ice dome around me which the robots pelt at but it holds. Cap dives to dodge while Thor attacks the robots.

I stomp my foot and ice spreads outward. The Iron Legions on the ground slip over and hit the ground with a thud. I take down the ice dome before freezing the rest.

Thor lands near me and I spread water from the sewers all over the ground. Thor slams his hammer into the water, sending out massive wave after wave of electricity.

Thor then jumps up and spins as he takes out more robots while I create a screen of water and start punching it, sending out balls of water that take out more Iron Legions.

When an Iron Legion hits a truck, there's an explosion.

I immediately put out the fire with the water from the ground, creating a tsunami type of wave. I continue to hit more Iron Legions with my Hydrokinesis and Chryokinesis, as a robot addresses the God of Thunder.

"Thor," The robot says as it latches itself onto him. "You are bothering me!" He then flies off with the blonde.

Soon, Wanda comes out of a building with fierce determination as she uses her Psionics to take out robot after robot, swiping her hands to the sides, while Clint shoots at others.

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