[48] ✽ Executing Plan A ✽

Start from the beginning

You tapped your nails on the coffee table, the soft sound helping you fall out of your train of thoughts to possibly murder Eunji and rather, think rationally for the sake of your friends. As the scent of freshly roasted coffee hit your nostrils, you glanced at your cold cup of coffee and grimaced.

Inside the cafè, it smelt so good but out of all, why did your taste so bitter? A small yawn threatened to release from your mouth and you did your best to mask your face with your hand before the action. Yesterday was a sleepless night for you.


Trying not to roll your eyes, you beckoned the girl over to your table. She strode up and took a seat and you didn't hesitate to notice how much makeup she had applied.

"You are late."

"I am a busy woman. Be thankful I agreed to meet."

The sass in her voice did nothing to cool down your anger and you wanted to smash your fist on the table, shout at her and maybe rip some hair off her head. But taking the wise decision, you sat still.

"Maybe you could have informed me from my number if you were running late."

"I couldn't care less."

Right, like you cared. You inhaled from your nose, the aroma of coffee and desserts hitting your sense before you began to talk again.

"About the marriageㅡ"

Eunji cut you off, "how much do you want?"


You gave her a confused expression which didn't seem to humour her because she sat with a blank face, her designer bag clutched on top of her lap.

"I said, how much money do you want to keep your mouth shut?"

You frowned, parting your lips to argue that you didn't understand what Eunji was trying to say before the bitter realisation hit you.

"You," you pointed at yourself, "you think I want your money?"

Eunji raised a brow at you, "isn't that why you are here? To blackmail me and get money."

Damn. If misunderstanding was a person it would be Eunji for sure. How could she take you like such type of person to blackmail their friends, be it whomever?

Her rude bluntness and lack of rationality made your blood boil in anger.

"Look here Eunji. I don't give any care about what you think but I don't want your filthy money."


"I want you to break this marriage off."

She shot you a stupid look.

"You must be delusional. Are you crazy?"

"I know marrying is the last thing you want. Don't you want to pursue your dream of being a fashionista?"

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