Earlier, Kongpob hesitated to use other's things without permission but then he remembered the obscenities thrown at him by the actor and all his hesitation vanished. Not caring anymore, he went inside the kitchen and opened the fridge only to find it stocked with endless supply of beer bottles, diet cokes, milk cartons and a large container with spicy reddish pickle tagged over it neatly. Not finding anything suitable for himself, the younger one wrinkled his nose in distaste before shutting the fridge and looked in the cabinets, in case the actor had the brain to keep snacks there. Except, there were either empty glass containers or have spicies in them....fucking capsaicinophile...The younger one cursed the actor for his maddening craze for spicy food and closed his eyes before opening the last cabinet. And finally his luck subsided and a pack of noodles falls out of it...yayyyy!!!!...


Bringing the spoon closer, Kongpob has just opened his mouth when the front door opened with a click. And there is the devil standing in all his glory with his imaginary black feathers fluttering in the sides, dressed in an all black outfit, with thick layer of make up pasted over his face, completely different look than the one he had left in in the morning....looks like he came straight from the shooting...

Not bothering to greet, he remained seated his seat and faces away from him, and flicks open the tv, surfing through channels. The actor sharing the same sentiment, didn't took any effort to talk and get started in direction of the kitchen.

To say Arthit is surprised is an understatement. He is downright baffled with other's presence in his house. He was 200 percent sure that the other must have had left. Along with shock there is also a layer of relief flooding his system. It is only previous night, he came to know about later wandering off streets. He has still not forgiven the other for lying to him, for betraying his trust, but no matter how much he loath the younger one, the part of him which has taken care of Kongpob for all those years is still very much residing inside him. No amount of heartaches and betrayal seems enough for it to snap out of the stupid first love bubble.

Sorting through all reasons which can be the cause behind other's stay, Arthit pulls open the refridgerator and takes out a can. Absent mindely he breaks off the seal and takes a long gulp, eyes trained at the person invading his living room. Kongpob is looking like an exciting puppy watching the debate braodcasting at the news channel. The younger one has always been a sucker for debates and he himself has participated and won many competitions. Something must have said as Kongpob jabs his finger at the screen, his lips moving with speed. Arthit shakes his head. It is another habit of Kongpob. Non stop talking while watching a debate show. He keeps on adding his own points, pros and cons about the topic, not letting Arthit see anything in peace. He just stopped watching debates with the younger one altogether when both of them end up on having their own argument on several occasions.

A nostalgic smile plays on his lips, gaze remains fixed at Kongpob who has his lips jutted out in pout..looks like he is losing the arguemnt...The actor takes in the guy drowning in purple hoodie which seems familiar for.....Realisation dawned on the actor and he strides out. Going straight in front of the younger one who peels off his eyes from the screen and throws an annoyed glance, before resuming to watch the TV.

"Can you move? I am watching-

"Why are you wearing my clothes???", Arthit asks directly cutting to the chase, not paying any mind to his earlier request. It is his house after all. He can stand wherever he please to.

Totally absorbed in the debate, Kongpob waved off his hands in air, gesturing the later to move away, replying at the same time," because I have washed mine"

...like that explains everything..Arthit snorts, not liking a cent how the other persosn's whole focus is on the TV and not on him. He is more important than just bunch of fools going over each other's throat instead of taking an effort to actually listen and understand other's points. It is not acceptable to him. He steps back, now complelty obscuring the view of Kongpob who finally tears off his eyes from the electronic gadget and scowls," What?"

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