Time passed, neither one of them realising. The two were so at peace in one another's company, still in the same positions and Synn still reading the pages in his lap aloud. Aurora shamefully admitted to herself long ago that she could listen to him talk for days, and she was incredibly pleased at her suggestion for him to read aloud. Synn was also incredibly pleased at her suggestion, he was seven chapters in and he could still remember the scenes from the first chapter. He would never admit that to her, though. Aurora had already guessed it, however, seeing as he was in fact still reading.

Eventually Synn stopped reading. He looked down at the pretty blonde in his lap and closed the book. He looked down at their hands, the sight of his vein ridden hand paced over her chest made him blush, as if it hadn't been their for the past while already. He moved it down until it was settled over her stomach. Aurora suddenly frowned and grabbed his hand to place it on her chest once again.

"Stop, don't touch my tummy fat" She scolded, turning her head back to look up at his hood. Synn raised an eyebrow at her, slightly amused at the sight of her in this position.

"That's your uterus" He deadpanned. Auroras face relaxed as she looked down at her stomach and felt it with her own two hands. She pulled the hem of her hoodie up.

"Uterus, tummy, they both make me look pregnant, see!" She beamed in delight as she stuck her tummy out. She rubbed it in an affectionate manner as she smiled up at Synn who looked at the girl who had clearly lost her mind. He rolled his eyes and grabbed the hem of her hoodie and pulled it down. Auroras jaw dropped.

"You just killed my baby" She mumbled sadly.

"I'm sure it killed itself" Synn grunted, looking away from the girl. Aurora scrunched her nose and slapped him on the back of the head. Synn grabbed his head in shock and turned to look down at the girl who was now sat up beside him. He grinded his teeth in annoyance at the girl who was scowling at him. He then pushed her forehead back with a grunt and watched as she dramatically fell back onto the bridge.

"I'm being abused!" She wailed helplessly, the back of her hand resting on her forehead dramatically. Synn rolled his eyes as he watched the scene unfold. She continued to cry until she abruptly sat up and glared at him, catching Synn off guard.

"You're supposed to play the part dipshit. This is your time to do your choking kink thingy!" She explained, falling back down to resume her act. Synns eyebrows shot up to his hood as he watched her in complete wonder.

"Absolutely not" He scoffed.

"We're role-playing Sunshine, think of it as inspiration for your essay. You can explore different fantasies! Not sexual of course..unless you want to, then I'd totally be down but I don't think I'm really into the whole public kink so we'd have to go somewhere priva-" Aurora was cut off when a hand grabbed her throat and pulled her up to where she was staring directly at Synns chest. The boy was clenching his teeth to the point where he could hear them grinding to try and refrain himself from doing god knows what to this girl. Auroras body relaxed after a second and she gave a lazy grin.

"So hot"

"You are so infuriating" Synn growled.

"I know, it keeps me awake at night" She exasperated. Synn growled lowly, as warning to signal that she was pushing her luck. "You were fine with me a few minutes ago, what changed?"

"You opened your mouth" Synn hissed. Aurora rolled her eyes. She slowly peeled his hand from her throat and dropped it into her lap. He let her, begrudgingly, but didn't put up a fight.

"Usually guys like it when I open my mouth" Aurora said suggestively. Synn looked down at her to see her wiggling her eyebrows with a smirk on her face. Synn scowled and pushed his hand into her face, his hand taking up her entire face as he pushed her back onto the bridge again. Aurora giggled and held onto his arm as she fell back. It was evident that she got much enjoyment from riling him up. It was evident to Synn now too.

"I need a drink" Synn grumbled, going to stand up, but was stopped when he realised Aurora wasn't letting go of his arm. He looked down at her to see her frowning up at him. Synn just wanted to get out of here and head to the only bar he knew would still be open til whatever time in the morning.

"I wanna come" She stated pleadingly, looking up at him with her big, hypnotising eyes that were slowly beginning to water. He frowned and shook his head. The idea of bringing her along to a bar like that didn't settle well with him.

"Tough" He huffed, pushing her off his arm and beginning to gather his stuff. Aurora's face dropped. She too began to gather her stuff and hurried after him as he began to walk away.

"Sunshine, please let me come with you. I want a drink too. I'm half Irish, if either one of us knows how to drink, it's me. My grandmother used to put whisky in our bottles to help us fall asleep, alcohol is practically a part of my blood now" Aurora rambled as she walked along side him. Synn was taken back by her words but didn't let it show.

Whisky in a bottle?

"This isn't the type of bar that you could just casually drink at" Synn said lowly, trying to get her to see the message. The second men feasted their eyes on her in that bar, she'd be taken advantage of in a second. The thought always made him disgusted.

"Well if it's part strip club I'm pretty good at that too" Aurora confessed casually. Synn rolled his eyes at this girls lack of a filter.

"No, you're not fucking coming out. 'Dunes' isn't a place for princesses like you. I'm not taking you with me cause you'll just get hurt, now fuck off" Synn snapped, shoving her away. Aurora stumbled, her heart sinking to her stomach at his harsh tone. However, it quickly climbed back up and began to pump wildly once she realised that he cares about her. Well atleast that's what she got from it.

Synn sighed once he realised she hadn't argued again. He thought he had been too harsh so he decided to turn around. He seen her standing there, head down as she fiddled with her bag staps. He was about to open his mouth, to say what, he didn't know, and never will cause she interrupted him.

She looked up at him with a cheeky grin. Synn frowned, confused at her reaction.

"You care about me" Aurora said in a sing song voice, doing a little dance as she wiggled her hips. Synn furrowed his eyebrows, confused as tobwhere she pulled this from. Aurora squealed and turned around, beginning to skip away.

"Sunshine cares about me!" She yelled, jumping up and clicking her heels. Synns jaw dropped to the floor as she watched her retreating figure. He regrets ever opening his mouth. He should have just let her come with him, see how she would have liked it then, but he knew he wouldn't be able to live with himself if she for hurt. Although for someone to put a sock in that mouth, he wouldn't mind.

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